But with corporate media hailing McCain and every politician who willingly participated in the meaningless slaughter during what the Vietnamese call "The American War," what a powerful voice Bill Moyers could raise now if he shared his feelings of mortification for having been Johnson's press secretary, spreading the kind of lies and half truths which presently are used to put over the ad infinitum occupation wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia - again with heartbreaking taking of indigenous lives en mass.
Conglomerate owned entertainment/news would have to cover Bill if he spoke out, and maybe Moyers could single handedly stop the preposterous glory stories of the killing in Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos.
Can't believe that no one is encouraging Bill to do this! Retell how shameful it was and describe the disinformation techniques that were used back then, to help us expose this present ongoing 'hero' farce of the most powerful military in the world crucifying a poor, agrarian, colonized nation in Asia.
Back in April of 2007, Bill Moyers' wonderfully narrated Buying the War on PBS documented the prime killers in our midst in the Iraq conspiracy with conglomerate media setting a role-modeled example of how righteous preemptive mass killing in the name of self-protection and security can be made to be seen as noble by criminally insane media.
Some might argue that Moyers has done enough, and that coming out with his personally experienced discomforts and embarrassments while promoting the war in Vietnam so many years ago as Lyndon Johnson's press secretary, would open old wounds, but just think how it would play in media given today's similar, if not identical, cruel homicidal policies - it might poke huge holes in the phony balloons being continually floated to 'explain' why the occupation wars must continue.
Our Bill Moyers began his acceptance speech with a retelling of how, as publisher of Newsday, he saw to the My Lai massacre being brought before the American public. He might have gone on to recount with regret his key role in the Johnson administration's prosecution of our nations worst national tragedy and loss of world respect. It could have been a bombshell in today's atmosphere of Iraq war promotion hailing Vietnam vets as heroes.
Bill Moyers Acceptance Speech for the Ridenhour Courage Prize
By Bill Moyers, The Nation Institute. Posted April 10, 2008. Posted on Alternet, April 12.
Let's praise Bill for all he has done for us and beg him to reminisce for sake of peace.