Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
If you have a problem voting, call The Election Integrity Response System at 1-866-OUR-VOTE / 'The state of Florida was on high alert today as an electronic voting machine that was being tested in advance of Tuesday's midterm election went berserk and killed nine in a terrifying rampage.' (Satire) / 'There are reports from at least seven states of voters being harassed by multiple phone calls with recorded messages - "robocalls" - that appear to be a devious manipulation of voter's pre-election advertisement overload.' / Well, it all starts/ends tomorrow. Let's hope things go smoothly in all 50 states and that every losing candidate is satisfied with the results of the election. I'm a dreamer but what the hell......
NAtional: Recounting Tomorrow's Vote LINK
NAtional: Voting equipment could get sharper federal scrutiny next year LINK
NAtional: What you can do if you have trouble voting on Tuesday LINK
NAtional: Election Day: Get Ready for the Glitches LINK
NAtional: Editorial - E-voting: The need for paper LINK
NAtional: Everything You Need to Know to Cast Your Ballot LINK
NAtional: Editorial - Protecting the Right to Vote LINK
NAtional: A New Breed of Watchdog For Election Day LINK
NAtional: Activists Take Measures to Ensure Fair Elections LINK
NAtional: Vote fraud: a business opportunity?
Hoping electronic voting won't be a big story this week. LINK
NAtional: In a Brief, Unsigned New Opinion, The Supreme Court Sends the Wrong Signal on Voter ID and Voter Fraud LINK
NAtional: How to Make Your Vote Count LINK
NAtional: E-Voting Boosts Earnings Despite Hacking Concerns
Maker of ATMs Has Made Millions on Voting Systems But Suffered from Political Controversy LINK
NAtional: Electronic Voting Machine Slays Nine. LINK
NAtional: U.S. elections: New law, new voting machines may lead to glitches, delays in results LINK
NAtional: 'The Pentagon Papers Of E-Voting' -- Maryland's 'SAIC Report' On Diebold Security Vulnerabilities -- Released LINK
NAtional: Voting machines cause landslide of problems LINK
NAtional: Robocalls - If You Get an Annoying Call From a Candidate, It May Have Come From Their Opponent LINK
NAtional: A message to IRV fans - look beyond the hype LINK
NAtional: Problems to Watch for on Election Day LINK
NAtional: Confused Poll Workers - Another Worry on November 7 LINK
NAtional: Would open source make elections fair? LINK
NAtional: Glitches, SNAFUs, and Skullduggery: A roundup of problems already documented and issues that may suppress the '06 vote LINK
NAtional: 'Brave New Ballot' Author Attacks Electronic Voting: Interview LINK
NAtional: E-Voting Concerns Take Non-Partisan Blush LINK
NAtional: Federal observers at polls in 22 states LINK
CA: San Mateo County - Officials shoot for worry-free voting LINK
CO: Denver - Vote centers complicate mix LINK
CT: University of Connecticut Approves State's Choice of Optical Scan Voting Technology LINK
FL: Opinion - Restoring trust
Voting machine uncertainty persists LINK
FL: Poll workers gearing up for a long, hard day LINK
FL: Lee County - Bilingual ballots cause stir for voters
Some want 'English-only' despite law LINK
FL: Miami-Dade County - Voting Machine Glitches Found During Early Voting LINK
FL: Sarasota County - Group wants paper ballots LINK
FL: Volusia County - Voter Rights Organization Says Volusia Plagued With Problems LINK
GA: Monitors make your vote count
Safety guidelines ensure reliable results for voters LINK
ID: Bonneville County - Idaho County Asking Disbled Voters To Limit Touch-Screen Ballots LINK
IN: Voting fiasco a big 'What if?' in Indiana LINK
MD: Suit eyes extended absentee voting LINK
MD: Maryland Dems: Extend Absentee Deadline LINK
MO: Election officials ready for big day LINK
NH: Investigators: Political Phone Messages May Be Illegal In N.H LINK
NM: Democrats accuse Republicans of misdirecting voters, GOP fires back LINK
OH: Election Day forecast: Problems likely LINK
OH: Cuyahoga County - Ohio absentee ballots scanned early LINK
OH: Cuyahoga County - No Major Glitches Encountered In Absentee Ballot Scanning LINK
OH: Stark County - Tally could be quicker LINK
OH: Tuscarawas County - Miller estimates about 49 percent turnout Tuesday LINK
PA: Jill Porter | GOP 'robocall' tactics make me sick LINK
SC: Skeptics fear new voting system LINK
SC: You've got 3 minutes to vote, sort of LINK
TN: Shelby County - Election Commission says voters walked off with smart cards LINK
TN: Shelby County - Accusations of Voter Fraud Surface LINK
TX: Williamson County - Voting machines repaired, officials say LINK
VA: Sec. of Virginia State Board of Elections Finds Widespread Incidents of Voter Suppression LINK
WI: Future is now in voting
Elections officials say touch-screen machines could shorten lines at polls LINK
WI: Poll jitters: New registration system, electronic voting set some nerves on edge LINK
WV: Election expected to go smoothly LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**