"An investigation into what may have gone wrong in that election has revealed a serious security vulnerability on some, and possibly all, versions of the iVotronic touch-screen voting system widely used across the country. The iVotronic is a Direct Recording Electronic (DRE) touch-screen voting machine manufactured by Elections Systems & Software, Inc. (ES&S), the nation's largest distributor of such systems."
NAtional: Exclusive: ES&S Touch-Screen Voting Systems Found Vulnerable To 'Serious' Viral Vote-Flipping Attack; U.S. Elections Assistance Commission Refuses To Issue Warning
NAtional: Severe Insecurity in the ES&S iVotronic Electronic Voting System
NAtional: EAC Requests Review of Voter ID, Vote Fraud and Voter Intimidation Research Projects
NAtional: Open Letter to Congressman Ehlers
NAtional: Pending Election Reform in Congress Doesn't Give Citizens Right to Sue
FL: Academics Call Foul On Florida Test of Voting Machines
FL: FL-13 - Task force to look at Jennings' challenge
Panel meets Tuesday to review Southwest Florida congressional election.
FL: FL-13 - Congress to begin inquiry into contested Fla. House seat
MO: Carnahan wins federal lawsuit over voter rolls
MO: Federal Judge Finds Against U.S. Dept. of Justice in Missouri 'Voter Fraud' Case
NJ: Sussex County - Busy-bee election workers getting everything ready
NJ: Warren County - Warren at voting's cutting edge
Paper proof of tally. First N.J. county to be up and ready. Could serve as model for rest of state.
NY: Microsoft Says - We Won't Escrow
OH: Cuyahoga County - Bye bye to Cleveland GOP Election Chair Bob "Ballots for Bush" Bennett
OH: Cuyahoga County - Wanted: qualified people to rebuild Cuyahoga's elections system
OH: Cuyahoga County - Opinion - Brunner goes 4-for-4
click here
OH: Franklin County - Response to voter complaints over privacy: Extension cords
OH: Franklin County - $7 extension cords will boost privacy at polls, panel says
click here
PA: Court rejects state's protests to voting machine suit
click here
PA: Case Moves Forward Against Pennsylvania Voting Machines
PA: Electronic voting under legal scrutiny in the US
TN: State officials oppose paper trails for voting machines
VA: Virginia Bans New DREs in First Step Toward Verifiable Voting
WI: Voting officials work to fix flaw in the system
Bug leads to inaccurate reports
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