Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
Lani Massey Brown had this to say about her new novel: "A Margin of Error: Ballots of Straw dramatizes how easy it is for one dedicated techie to steal an election. Sadly, as my novel reveals, even a paper trail will not ensure one-voter-one-vote-every-time. Here in Florida we've banned paperless voting machines. In Sarasota we've scrapped touch screens only to quick-quick replace them with optical scanners...another stand-alone vote-counting machine that can prove just as fragile, just as susceptible, just not as visibly flawed. While the heroine of my novel scoffs at the notion of a silent coup marching across the country in her fictitious voting machines.... How will we know it's right?" Help us to continue to help you. Go to
VotersUnite.Org and follow the links to make a donation. Any donation over $50 will receive a signed copy of
"A Margin of Error: Ballots Of Straw" [Note: VotersUnite! is in affiliation with International Humanities Center, a nonprofit public charity exempt from federal income tax under Section 501[c](3) of the Internal Revenue Code.]...
NAtional: Actual Evidence of Voter Fraud is Minimal LINK
NAtional: Campus voting access not making the grade LINK
NAtional: Listen Up! Bev Harris on Tonight's "Voice of the Voters" LINK
NAtional: Opinion - Position Paper: Honest and Verifiable Elections LINK
NAtional: The Tanner Doctrine-and from the Chief of the Voting Rights Section, No Less LINK
AZ: Pinal County - County Elections Division prepares, plans and tests for 'Super Tuesday' LINK
CA: Alameda County - County panel will oversee elections
Committee formed to study and advise on voting issues LINK
CA: Colusa County - Problems in the poll booth LINK
CA: Riverside County - Video: California Hurries Preparation Of Paper Ballots For February Primary LINK
CA: San Diego County - Registrar Urges Voters To Use Absentee Ballots LINK
CA: San Joaquin County - County puts elections office move on ice for year LINK
FL: Touch-Screen voting gives way to scanners
Fifteen Florida counties are gearing up to use new voting equipment that has the benefit of a paper trail, but election advocates criticize insufficient audit rules, among other issues. LINK
FL: Broward County - Pig in a poke: Buying Voting Equipment in Broward County Florida LINK
FL: Martin County - Martin's candidates meet new technology LINK
GA: Dougherty County - Election officials get one last run through LINK
KY: Candidates clash over voting LINK
MD: Baltimore - Voting Block LINK
OH: Trumbull County - Election study should show clean system LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**