Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
I know that any voter who was affected by a machine malfunction or had to wait in a long line will disagree but we seem to have dodged a bullet so far in this primary. Voting machine malfunctions were wide-spread as were electronic poll book failures. This evening and tomorrow will bring us many more reports of problems as counties get polls closed and begin to tabulate the votes. Please note that our information comes from media reports and not anecdotal reports from voters.
Also in the news this evening is a report from Cuyahoga Co Ohio where a judge has denied an injunction filed by the ACLU in which the group hoped to stop the county from changing to centrally-counted paper ballots....
NAtional: A guide to Super Tuesday's riskiest voting machines LINK
NAtional: Early Votes Go Smoothly in Most States LINK
NAtional: Myth that Touch-Screen Voting Machines Mean Faster Election Results Debunked LINK
NAtional: Super Tuesday: Groups say states face e-voting risks
The Verified Voting Foundation and Common Cause say that voting machines can pose problems when left unattended or if they don't have paper backups LINK
NAtional: Super Tuesday. And Wednesday, and Thursday - by Tova Andrea Wang LINK
CA: Expect record turnout, long wait for results LINK
CA: Record turnout expected
Large number of mailed ballots may delay final tally until Wednesday LINK
CA: Tuesday Prize Fight Could Go into Wed. LINK
CA: High number of mail-in ballots raises concern of late vote tally LINK
CA: Los Angeles County - Los Angeles = Voting Problems Everywhere? LINK
CA: Los Angeles County - Polling place says equipment not delivered LINK
CA: Los Angeles County - Numerous Voter Irregularities Reported Across Los Angeles LINK
CA: San Diego County - No blips as county goes to ballots LINK
CA: Santa Clara County - Higher than expected turnout causes some ballot shortages LINK
GA: Ga. voters face long lines, some glitches in Super Tuesday vote LINK
GA: Voter Turnout Turns Into Long Lines LINK
GA: Ga. voters see long lines, potential for record turnout LINK
GA: Down the stretch: Voters see long lines, some bottlenecks LINK
GA: Voters Face Long Lines in Georgia as Photo ID Laws and Diebold's Crashing E-Pollbook System Slow Process
Wait Times Up to 90 Minutes or More in Metro Atlanta, While New E-Registration Computers Cause Delays LINK
IA: Iowa: Secretary of state seeks money for voting upgrades
Governor disagrees that state should continue to pay for counties to update machines LINK
MA: Voter: Paper beats computers LINK
NJ: Confusion reported in New Jersey presidential primary polls LINK
NJ: Mercer County Elections Superintendent says turnout is huge LINK
NJ: Warren County - Some N.J. Polling Places Switch to Paper Ballots LINK
NY: Blind Justice
Court Orders DREs Can Be Sold in NY LINK
NY: NYPIRG: Voting Problems No Worse Than Usual LINK
NY: Voting Glitches on Super Tuesday LINK
NY: Obama campaign dispatches lawyers to troublesome Brooklyn polling places LINK
NY: Dutchess County - Voting machine problems repaired in Fishkill, Tivoli LINK
OH: Large number of Ohioans want paper ballots LINK
OH: Cuyahoga County - Cuyahoga's Plan to Vote on Paper Goes Before Federal Court Judge LINK
OH: Cuyahoga County - Judge backs state officials in voting dispute LINK
OH: Cuyahoga County - Judge Rules Cuyahoga County to Use Paper Ballots LINK
TN: Locally Produced Documentary Explores Voter Fraud LINK
TN: Some Problems In Knoxville, Nashville, Sullivan County LINK
UT: Super Tuesday brings big turnout in Davis County LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**