Guest Blogged by John Gideon of
It was a successful day in Pima Co Arizona where a Superior Court Judge found that the county failed to prove its contention that the release of all electronic election databases to the Pima County Democratic Party would jeopardize the integrity of future elections and that they must release those computer records from past and future elections.
New federal legislation to be introduced by Sens. Feinstein and Bennett would require that voters casting their ballots using direct recording electronic (touch screen) voting systems would be able to simultaneously verify their choices by means of an independent paper, electronic, audio, video, or pictorial record. Such records would be auditable and would also be available for review in the event of a recount. The effective date for implementing this requirement would be January 1, 2012, unless a state requested a waiver until January 1, 2014. ...
NAtional: Recounting the Recount and Counting the Uncounted LINK
NAtional: No Recount on Reality LINK
NAtional: Recount
Night of the Living Bubbies LINK
NAtional: Thrilling! But No Sequel, Please LINK
NAtional: Absentee Voting Campaign Kicks Off LINK
NAtional: Ready, Set, Vote and Other Strategies LINK
NAtional: Senators: No need for paper e-voting trails, 'electronic' ones are OK LINK
NAtional: Massive (And Wholly Predictable) ES&S Touch-screen Failures in Arkansas and West Virginia LINK
NAtional: A Great New Book for Every Voter LINK
AR: Greene County - Officials clarify vote count LINK
AR: White County - Who's fault is it? LINK
AZ: Pima County - Judge orders county to release election databases to Democrats LINK
AZ: Pima County Judge orders election databases released LINK
CA: Kern County to expand use of electronic voting machines LINK
CA: Los Angeles County - A new ballot slip-up surfaces
'Crossover' voters get incorrect ballot LINK
CO: Montrose County - State testing Montrose voting equipment LINK
CT: Revised November Audit Report - Suffers From Legendary Computing Problem LINK
FL: Strengthen weakest link in Florida so votes really do count LINK
FL: Will changes cause more nightmares this Election Day?
With new machines and strong turnout, vote supervisors say it could get ugly. LINK
FL: Sorry, Florida, but Even Bobbleheads Found Voting Easy LINK
FL: Miami-Dade County - Dade Prepares For Paper Ballot Voting Machines
The Move Is From Touch Screen To Optical Scan LINK
NJ: N.J. Voting Machines May Be Tested for Accuracy LINK
NM: Secretary of state says provisional ballots could slow count LINK
OH: Senate bill would allow all-mail voting LINK
OH: Cuyahoga County - Cuyahoga vote board mulls new equipment LINK
OH: Van Wert County - Election machines still in question for November LINK
PA: Carbon County - Carbon voters may have shorter wait times at the polls LINK
TX: Editorial - Still looking for massive vote fraud LINK
TX: Editorial - Texas AG's wild goose chase LINK
WV: Wayne County - Complaint filed on Wayne voting machines LINK
**"Daily Voting News" is meant as a comprehensive listing of reports each day concerning issues related to election and voting news around the country regardless of quality or political slant. Therefore, items listed in "Daily Voting News" may not reflect the opinions of VotersUnite.Org or OpEdNews.Com**