And as a consequence, this occupation in Iraq has lead to increased enmity, hatred and distrust in that part of the world for Americans and Britains, leading to increased hostility and more plots of terrorism on Americans and Britains (to get back at the occupiers). Our presence there is increasing terrorism not defeating it.
We must stop being mislead. Have we truly asked ourselves what the war in Iraq has to do with the war on "Terror"? Have we stopped thinking for ourselves. We must stop letting the Bush administration "define" such a misleading and untrue message. We are Americans, we are smart, we are free, and we do not occupy but lead with wisdom and justice for all. We must ask ourselves, do we fight terrorism with might or do we Defeat terrorism with our minds, diplomatically and with intelligent-strategic ways. We must not lose sight of who and what we are and what we stand for -- and we stand for what is right in the world. Innately we know that occupying Iraq is not fighting terrorism but increasing it, causing the fires of hatred to flame even more. If we want to fight terrorism, just watch the old James Bond movies. We must be careful we do not flame it into a burning Inferno, hence causing World War III and the destruction of our earth. Hence the wisdom of this old-aged saying, "blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth."