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Tonight on KPFT: David Earnhardt and Mark Weisbrot

Pokey Anderson
Message Pokey Anderson
The Monitor
It's your world. Understand it!
November 25, 2007
Today's Guests:
-- Filmmaker DAVID EARNHARDT discusses his new film on elections
-- Economist MARK WEISBROT on Social Security
<> 6:00 pm CDT - Headlines
<> 6:20 pm CDT -- Filmmaker DAVID EARNHARDT discusses his new film on elections
Monitor co-host Pokey Anderson welcomes our guest, DAVID EARNHARDT. David's work has been recognized with Emmy and other awards. His new film, UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections, is his first full-length documentary. It was just released a few weeks ago, and its premiere was to a sold-out audience in David's hometown, Nashville. It is available to individuals for purchase (see website below).
The film includes footage of three whistleblowers, Clint Curtis, Steve Heller, and Bruce Funk, along with many other people who have been on the front lines in exposing the flaws and vulnerabilities of our vote-counting systems, such as Rep. John Conyers, Bob Fitrakis, Harvey Wasserman, Brad Friedman, Bev Harris, Teresa Hommel, and more. Wasserman alone identified 36 different ways that legal voters in just one state, Ohio, were kept from voting or having their vote count. Both the 2004 and 2006 elections are examined.
Eyewitness accounts from the whistleblowers are supplemented by a smorgasbord of Jim Crow tactics, electronic voting machine security breaches, vote count manipulation, and illegal behavior by a major voting machine manufacturer.
Andrew Gumbel, author of "Steal This Vote" says in the film: "With all these [electronic] machines, you can alter the outcome of a national election in a way that is just unprecedented in terms of its reach and the power to really play around.â€
Jonathan Simon, Co-founder, Election Defense Alliance, says: “UNCOUNTED will blow you out of your comfort zone and call forth your deepest patriotism."
David Earnhardt is a producer/director of 31 years. His work has been recognized with numerous Emmy, Iris and Telly national awards. A national documentary on children's rights, a biographical documentary about jazz legend Helen Humes, and a comedy special featuring an up-and-coming Jay Leno are among Earnhardt's many credits. In 1993, he founded his Nashville production company, which specializes in high quality video presentations for a variety of nonprofits. Earnhardt Pirkle, Inc. has produced projects for more than 250 clients and has won more than 60 national awards in its 14-year history. David Earnhardt is a graduate of the University of North Carolina, where he majored in film studies. He was born in Alexandria, Virginia, and grew up in Greensboro, North Carolina.
UNCOUNTED: The New Math of American Elections
-- http://www.uncountedthemovie.com
TRAILER of UNCOUNTED, on YouTube -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-nJz09T0HME
<> 6:40 pm CDT -- Economist MARK WEISBROT on Social Security
Monitor co-host Mark Bebawi welcomes tonight's second guest, economist MARK WEISBROT, to discuss Social Security. Weisbrot works with the Center for Economic and Policy Research in Washington, D.C., which he co-directs with Dean Baker (Baker was a guest on The Monitor in August.) Weisbrot is co-author of Social Security: The Phony Crisis (University of Chicago Press, 2000), and has written numerous research papers on economic policy. Weisbrot received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Michigan.
He writes a column on economic and policy issues that is distributed to over 550 newspapers by McClatchy-Tribune Information Services. His opinion pieces have appeared in the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, and most major U.S. newspapers. He appears regularly on national and local television and radio programs. He is also president of Just Foreign Policy.
"Memo to Obama: No Rush to "Fix" Social Security"
Mark Weisbrot
November 14, 2007

"Who's Afraid of a Falling Dollar?"
Mark Weisbrot
November 8, 2007

Center for Economic and Policy Research -- http://www.cepr.net/
KPFT - Pacifica Radio
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CO-HOSTS: Mark Bebawi, and Pokey Anderson
ENGINEER: Todd Simmons

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ARCHIVES for The Monitor
November 25
-- Filmmaker DAVID EARNHARDT discusses his new film on elections
-- Economist MARK WEISBROT on Social Security
November 18
-- Fired US Attorney JOHN McKAY
-- Journalist JONATHAN LANDAY on Iran
November 11
-- Media critic NORMAN SOLOMON on War Made Easy
-- MARY FRANCIS and an update on the trial of Army Lt. Watada
November 4
-- Editor AMY SCHOLDER on the Democratic presidential candidates
October 28
-- SETH HETTENA on corrupt Duke Cunningham and his cronies
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Pokey Anderson has broadcast or published numerous reports on voting machine issues over the past four years. She co-produces a weekly news and analysis radio program, The Monitor on KPFT-Pacifica in Houston. A previous article was "Even a Remote (more...)
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