"I will filibuster that bill. I will actively organize other Senators to join the filibuster...I will keep talking until I am blue in the face. I will keep filibustering until I collapse on the Senate floor. I will shame the other Senators into joining me on the floor – especially the men. If Senator Webb is such a big tough marine, he had better have the moral and intellectual courage to join me. If Senator Dodd really wants to end the war, he will have to join me."
She explains that: "Bush and the war party are the ones who need a bill, not us. If there is no bill, the money runs out, and our soldiers can come home."
On Harry Reid:
"Harry Reid, that feckless majority leader for the Democrats, let’s those extremist Republicans off the hook and doesn’t force them to actually keep talking so everybody can see them. Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell have a gentleman’s agreement. Well here is a lady who will not be a party to that little gentlemen’s agreement."
Dobson on her website reveals that she has a plan to end the wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan:
"Once we have blocked the funding, the congress can work with the generals and admirals who by that point will know what the score is – they will not let their forces wait in Iraq and Afghanistan until the money runs out, no matter what the little Rumplestiltskin in the White House may say. When Congress takes a real stand, the people have spoken, and the generals and admirals will start bring the troops home in a safe and orderly way. We can trust the military to take care of their own....If Bush tries to keep the troops in Iraq anyway, even when the money has been cut off, no responsible general will listen to him – they do not have to obey illegal orders, after all. And this would be another huge reason to impeach Bush, remove him from office, indict him, and prosecute him."
Dobson considers the number one reason for impeachment to be avoidance of war with Iran, which she bluntly states would probably take place as the result of a false flag attack on America.
"Anyone who is in touch with Washington knows that Cheney and the neocon diehards are continuing to press for an attack on Iran...we need to make sure Bush and Cheney are pinned down by impeachment, so they cannot start any more mischief. That will help loyal and patriotic officers to refuse their illegal orders."
The mother bear says she cannot "imagine leaving [her children] alone to deal with this huge war debt and the financial disasters that they will be burdened with." She says our children and grandchildren are "more important than what Mrs. Pelosi wants or does not want."
Dobson's platform is fairly specific: repeal the "odious and misnamed" Patriot Act, restore habeas corpus, immediately move to end the wars in both iraq and Afghanistan, impeach Bush and Cheney, and institute a universal healthcare plan that amounts basically to expanding Medicare, which she argues has been a successful program, to everyone.
"Medicare has saved more lives over the last four decades than any other program in history. And it has done it while preserving free choice of doctors and of hospitals, and without inhuman rationing of care, or long waiting periods for needed operations and procedures. "
Dobson says she would deploy her powers as a U.S. senator vigorously:
"On February 1, Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was an advisor to President Carter, told the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that there was an operative scenario for an attack on Iran, and that this included a terrorist act in the United States to be blamed on Iran and to be used as a pretext for aggression against Iran – something like a new 9/11. It was the former head of the National Security Council who said this, one of the top foreign policy figures of the Democratic Party. If I had been sitting on that committee, I would not have let Brzezinski leave the room until he told the committee who was doing this, using what methods, and how he found out about this. Congress has its own jail cells in the capitol, and if I had been there Brzezinski might have seen the inside of that cell, until he told us the whole truth. But the senators on that committee – Biden, Dodd, Obama, Durbin – just sat there like bumps on a log. Some leadership! I call that a real dereliction of duty."
This concept of accountability is high on Dobson's mind: "Speaker Pelosi now shares responsibility for the Iraq war, and for the war dead. I say she must be ousted as Speaker and replaced by a leader who is willing to fight."
Dobson can sound like Thomas Paine as one peruses her website
"If a president is determined to run wild, to break the law, to start new wars, how do you stop him? Under our system, impeachment and removal are the only way. Otherwise, we are not a government of laws, but a government of gangsters."