Please consider sending an email to the New York State Board of elelctions.
The single most important requirement that we can hammer on is that the regulations must require disclosure of source code. Please ask for this key requirement.
Voting machine selection is the biggest change to voting in our lifetimes.
Contact state officials and please send a specific note saying that:
1 - the regulations must require controlled disclosure of source code of electronic voting machines.
2 - ask that New York State model its law on the excellent North Carolina requirements.
3 - also the state of Virginia has a very good new proposal.
4 - excerpts of the North Carolina and Virginia laws are attached below for quick review.
5 - the source code should be available to the Board, State technology members, the chairs of each political party and someone at the purchasing county.
Please send comments to state officials:
Contact info for the Board of Elections:
NYS Board of Elections, Executive Unit
40 Steuben Street
Albany, NY 12207-2108
Phone 518-474-8100
Fax: 518-486-4068
Please address your contacts with the State Board to:
Stanley Zalen, Co-Executive Director
Peter Kosinski, Co-Executive Director
The email address for the NYS Board of Elections is:
and the spokesperson (Lee Daghlian):