I can't figure out if we're doing
it more or doing it
less. It's costing taxpayers more, so I hope they aren't
getting any less. I suspect things have slowed down out
there. But I'm not "out there."
Back in the day, it was "free love," an hour before it
was "free sex!," which turned into love-ins, be-ins, sit-ins
and groovy Sunday afternoons in Griffith Park with peanut
butter and jelly on white bread in one hand, and the soft fingers
of some long-haired stranger lacing hers into yours with the other hand.
Mmm, hippy girl. In a granny dress listening to Donovan while down the line a stranger is screaming, "don't Bogart the joint." Free drugs! Of course, we didn't inhale.
We gave you Bob Dylan, Lou Reed, Neil Young and Rock N' Roll. What else do you want?
I'll admit, we were bra-less, topless and careless. We didn't rap and we didn't wrap it. When we had a "rave" there was sometimes 100,000 gathered; I don't know anybody who was packing, not even Hell's Angels or Satan's Slaves.
No Columbines. No drive-byes. Philadelphia wasn't, yet, the murder capital of the USA. There were gangs - but no gang-bangers. Tough
kids "rumbled" after school in their leather jackets, with a cigarette tucked behind his ear. Some wore paisley and P-coats. Wejuns and wing-tips. We gave you Pink Floyd, didn't we?
The reason it's good things have slowed down is sad and obvious: Too many unwed moms, unwanted babies, and too many deaths from STDs and HIV. We've had a tough time collecting child support, but that's not nearly as important as latch-key-one-parent kids - lonely and all.
Ecstasy and today's designer drugs aren't even wild moments in American history. Trust me, Girlfriend, or talk to my hand. One thing hasn't changed: If you want to go to grad school and make some real bread you better not start messing with the stuff. Did I tell you, we never inhaled?
Life's key rules: Don't be judgmental. Respect your elders. Be good to your father! (Be great to Daddy!)
Now, go do your homework and remember who gave you the Stones, the Who, Hendrix and your allowance.