American honor comes cheap and easy
bought for the twinkle of tawdry New Deal trinkets
proffered in exchange
for our revolutionary, right-full place at the table
rather than scraps tossed from the banquet
commandeered by those we call our "betters"
because they have more.
Via mis-education, advertising and public relations,
multinational Circes magically metamorphosize
American citizens into mere consumer-swine
clamoring for a chance to wallow
in the soul-swallowing swill slung
into the pigsty profit trough of televison,
glittering one-way conduit to the raging
greed, envy, lust, hubris and gluttony
of the Id, its depths plumbed
by doctors of psychology, highly bribed
to extract the Pearl of Great Price
Free Will,
replacing it with willing submission
to wanton impulse and an addiction
to the meaningless multitude of choices
someone else has already made
and simply displayed for us
all of them proceeded by the command
by which we are hoist on the petard
of our own manufactured consent
and sacrificed on corporate altars
in cathedral malls
called American Dream.
- Vi Ransel