I believe some of you may have misinterpreted my remarks to American veterans this week.
As we know, there are known knowns and there are things we know we know but also things we know what we don't know. But most of all there are things I know that you don't know even though you think you do.
Like when I said that critics of our Iraqi war policy were comparable to Adolf Hitler appeasers prior to World War II, I didn't mean that Democrats or liberals or, for that matter, Republicans whose campaign coffers might weigh in a bit light next election, would let Hitler get away with his shenanigans today. Goodness gracious, no. He'd be over a hundred and quite frail by now.
So, go ahead and feel (kind of) free to dissent. But if you're going to report that this administration is playing the Nazi card, make sure you get it right. We wouldn't want to have you end up having to defend yourself for libel at some kind of future Nuremberg Trial.
Sieg Heil! Seig Heil! Seig Heil!
Rummy out.