On that score, freshman Virginia Sen. Jim Webb hit a homerun!
He ripped the guileful lying guts out of the current Emperor Bush, who was forced on us in 2000, and excoriated him about the imperial oil-war in Iraq. And Webb ALSO smashed global corporate Emperor Bush and Vice Emperor Cheney in the face on the issue of the economic screwing of average 'working class' Americans ---- by squarely identifying them as the same type of murderous crooks as 19th century 'robber barons' like Jay Gould, who infamously said, "I can hire half the working class to kill the other half" ---- clearly a threat that Bush and Cheney are expanding to global proportions in Iraq and soon the whole Middle East (and the world, if we don't stop these imperial mass-murderers).
Yes, Webb knows the truth of Hannah Arendt's, --Empire abroad entails tyranny at home".
Yes, Webb knows the truth of George Akerlof, Nobel laureate in economics, who said of the Bush administration's policies, "What we have here is a form of looting."
Yes, Webb knows the truth --- Webb talks the truth ----- and more importantly, Webb walks the truth ----- and he has the guts to confront this disguised and lying global corporate elite Empire that has already taken over our government with smirking bastards like Bush and Cheney!
Webb's truthful threats to the global corporate elite Empire, after Bush's SOTE (State of the Empire) speech were so powerful and so dangerous to this disguised Empire that today's Wall Street Journal (the Empire's Paper of Record) singled out Webb and tried to paint him as a raging Lenin attacking the Czarist Empire in Russia c. 1917.
Webb made these global corporate elite Empire bastards shake to their very boots --- attacking them on both the empire's war in Iraq and the empire's economic screwing of average Americans.
Two weeks ago on FOX News Sunday (where else?), Vice Emperor Cheney unleashed the ultimate fear campaign about what awful things will happen if we withdraw from the oil-war in Iraq, by stating, with deadly gravitas, "This is an existential conflict".
But the truth is that the 'existential threat' is not to the American people.
The "existential threat" that Cheney revealed is really what motivates the Bush/Cheney Empire toward the abyss of nuclear war in the Middle East. --- The real "existential threat" is precisely to their own global corporate elite Empire of oily Ponzi schemes, and economic looting both foreign and domestic!
That's why Webb's televised address of truth to the American people and confrontation toward the global corporate elite Empire is so dangerous and caught that empire so off guard.
If leaders like Webb, who both know the truth about this disguised global corporate elite Empire that is running the war in Iraq and economically screwing the people of the US, and who have the GUTS to speak that truth to the power of the Empire, are recognized by the American people and supported in their efforts to confront that Empire (instead of the weak, co-opted, corporate financed turn-coats that have been in Congress), then the empire is going to face some very rough sledding. In fact, they may as well enjoy their last profits on the sale of the rope that we are going to use to hang them!
Viva Webb. Viva Kucinich. Viva Sanders. Viva the Second American Revolution against EMPIRE