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Urge your member of Congress to amend Holt's HR 811

Allegra Dengler
Message Allegra Dengler
Urge your member of Congress to amend Holt’s HR 811

Please, send an email


or call your member of Congress at the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121.
Ask them to support or offer an amendment that requires paper ballots -- which are actually tabulated -- as the official ballot and bans DREs. If there is no admendment to ban DRE's, please tell them to vote NO on HR 811.

The vote in the House on Holt’s HR 811 could happen any day. As other issues occupy the headlines, this bill could quietly pass without a whimper.

The movement among election protection advocates to ban Direct Electronic Recording touch screen voting machines (DREs), which are inherently unreliable, has continued to grow. Now is the time to bring our power to bear.

According to the report "E-Voting Failures in the 2006 Mid-Term Elections" (http://www.votersunite.org/info/E-VotingIn2006Mid-Term.pdf) prepared by VotersUnite.Org, VoteTrustUSA,VoterAction.Org, and Pollworkers For Democracy, DREs cause problems including voter disenfranchisement, vote-flipping, and fail to meet requirements for disabled voters.

Sadly some election activists are lobbying Congress to support the bill as written mistakenly claiming it has paper ballots and open source codes. IT DOES NOT.

For current info on the status of the bill:

Join our Clean, Fair and Transparent organizing team – contact Diane@pdamerica.org.

And, please remember to pass this along!

Tim Carpenter

Allegra Dengler
60 Judson Avenue
Dobbs Ferry, NY 10522
“Potentially, a single programmer could ‘rig’ a major election. The computer security community rejects the notion that DRE’s can be made secure, arguing that .. they are vulnerable to large-scale errors and election fraud.” The National Institute of Standards and Technology, December 2006

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Allegra Dengler is a voting activist in New York State.

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