Know why Bush and his Texas militia, in cahoots with the Neocons, are spying on the Democrats? Because they can. Without consequence -- apparently in this life and next - they plow their way through the legal system just like Katrina plowed through the Gulf. Only the American public now takes its turn at home watching Hurricane Bush Co. wreak destruction and waits 6 damn years to barely register a whimper!!!! Hell, Congress IS "Brownie-central!" Where is the outrage?
Here is what it boils down to...information is power. If you think the illicit nuggets of your personal interactions, and everyone else's private/professional lives stolen by these criminals is for their own private viewing, political ends, or personal entertainment, you are WRONG? Hell, it's for sale. And it is illegal. And has been for a long damn time in the former United States of America. Is it the responsibility of the media to enforce laws? Do our courts now wait for the 'go-ahead' from the WSJ or the WaPo? Apparently, the Democratic Party's elected leadership does (save a few).
If our elected Democrats want serious investigations, let them hold them...across America. Following the example of John Conyers, our Democratic leadership ought get off their collective fat DC asses, get the hell out of Washington, stop whining like helpless victims, and do something about the crap that is going on in this country. Aren't they a United States Senator of the 15th or 37th state or Representative of that upper part of "Your home district, USA?" Many local court officials face elections, not appointments. Press YOUR courts into action where ever possible. If domestic spying took place in San Francisco, prosecute the bastards there, locally. It's illegal in California just like it is in the other 49 states. Local media will cover it. Plenty of liberal media will travel to it. Blogs will herald this 'real' news of a democracy rediscovering itself. And the main stream will follow because that is where the American public's attention will focus.