The ultimate treachery
The following article:
Free-trading away America's security by David Sirota
gives an economic perspective of why Bush & Co. are pursuing the port security issue regarding the UAE company that they're trying to give control of six of America's ports to. But there's another reason, too, much worse.
To fully consolidate power in the face of gathering and ever more vocal opposition, another terrorist attack is needed by the administration. But it may be real sticky trying to set it up themselves. The port deal removes any onus from the regime and puts it square on Congress for the inevitable terrorist attack that such a deal will facilitate. So, someone they know will commit dirty deeds is put into a position to commit such dirty deeds, while responsibility for such an act will fall upon Congress. Thus, the need for martial law and expanded executive poweres--can't trust Congress to do the right thing, after all.
There's an old adage that goes something like this;
Evil undoes itself.
Looks like the adage applies here. The more effort the regime makes to have this deal happen, the more average folks are going to wake up and turn against the regime. So they're destroying their own power base. Let's help 'em by keeping this issue alive by discussing it with other folks, and encouraging everyone we can to spread it too. And a bit of impeachment talk added would be a nice touch, too.
Activists alone won't get impeachment done. It needs the PEOPLE.
This issue is so blatantly wrong that even red staters are against it.
This is the kind of issue that a person can talk about to their grocer, their mechanic, their carpenter and housepainter, and all will agree that what the president proposes is outrageous. So it destroys the veneer of Bush the great Patriot. Word of mouth spreads. This issue is everywhere. Make use of it while it's hot. And add the IMPEACH word to the discussion.
That's the connection. Get the idea of impeachment moving in the masses.
You can dooooo eeet! We can do it!
Just add this to your everyday talk and see what happens. Connect across cultural, political, socio-economic lines with this manna from heaven issue.
Also, regarding the need for mass participation in impeachment,
each of us (well, most of us, anyway) have friends who are environmentalists, or are advocates for women's rights, etc. Even the elderly. Each of these constituencies will be well-served by the impeachment of this entire regime, not just Bush. Ask them to connect with their friends in whatever group they're in, and to connect with this group--East Bay Impeach.
Once here, we'll ask them to do the same nationally with their network of friends.
And last, peace* to you all.
* 'peace', of course, includes no Bush regime.