I saw recently on this site an article purporting the Gospel of Judas as fact. It is important for Christians to recognize that the person making these wild theory accusations is supporting a one world religion, prophesied in the Bible. The link is here:
The Gospel of Judas is a Gnostic gospel, which has been thoroughly debunked already. The Gnostics opposed Christianity in its early foundational period and tried to "clean up" the record of some of the more reviled Biblical characters, including Judas. This of course is nothing but heresy to Christians who understand that Jesus Christ did not need Judas to betray Him, Judas took his own path.
Further, the writer of the article confuses the terms Sheol and Gehenna. It is important for proponents of this one world-everything is love-religion to eliminate the existence of hell. Without hell, there is no condemnation for sin. That is what the world wants, the ability to do things they know are morally wrong, and not have to be concerned about the consequences. Here is a link to the Jack Van Impe website:
Go to "search" and type in "Sheol". The newsletter from July of this year will provide you with a clearer understanding of the difference between Sheol and Gehenna.
The notion of the Gospel of Seth is so inaccurate it barely deserves a response, except that the false doctrine purported in the article was so damaging. To surmise that Jesus Christ was laughing on a hill somewhere because the wrong person was crucified is one of the most evil things I have ever heard. Then he must have what? Disappeared and ran off to France so he could make novels with Dan Brown and Leonardo Da Vinci? Please. To take away the crucifixion of Christ is to deny Him His deity and His sacrifice. It is the blood of Christ which takes away the sin of the world, not a Gnostic gospel written hundreds of years after the fact.
Do not be deceived. In the last days there will be many who will be led astray. God's people suffer for a lack of knowledge. I urge anyone who is on the fence regarding Christianity to read Lee Stroebal's "The Case for Christ" and decide for yourself.
Christianity is about Christ and His teachings. Do not think that it is about man. I have written before about the modern day representatives of Christianity and how they do not represent Christ either. People like Jerry Falwell advocating the death of Muslims in the name of our Lord and Savior or Pat Robertson advocating the assassination of Hugo Chavez are just as wrong as people who lend credence to the Gospel of Judas. This "gospel" is more indicative of how a heretical sect felt hundreds of years after Christ walked the earth then an accurate representation of what occurred when our Savior was here. The people who sometimes represent Christ are not doing His will, but that does not eviscerate the message. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. That is the true heart of Christianity. The writer of the article in question bemoans that, "the fate of life on Earth depends upon our setting the record straight right now!"
I agree. Jesus Christ died for our sins. He was crucified as history reports. He did not run away to France, marry Mary Magdalene, have children, or laugh at someone else being crucified instead of Him. The Gnostics were a people who opposed the Christian church in its foundational period and in doing so proposed false gospels to undermine the church and the life of Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Judas is actually mentioned by an early Christian figure and dismissed as the heresy it was then, and is today. Please keep in mind that we are talking hundreds of years after Christ walked the earth. Hell does exist. It is the Gehenna referred to by the writer. Sheol was a place for departed souls, until judgment comes. It is the Rikers Island to the State Penitentiary, for illustration. Advocates of a one-world religion want to homogenize all religions and strip them of their core beliefs. It is Biblical and has been prophesied. In order to do this, they must ridicule those beliefs which make them uncomfortable. Without hell, there is no condemnation for sin. It allows man to usurp God. It places man's judgment as the final arbiter.
The conflict the writer must have missed is that she kept dismissing the entire Bible, "except for the Ten Commandments." This is what is wrong with modern-day, new age religion. It takes parts of the Bible it likes, and dismisses that which makes it uneasy. According to the writer, God gave Israel the Ten Commandments, and then disappeared and has never been heard from since. Yet in the same rationale, the writer denies the existence of hell. Why would God provide His creation with a guideline for morality and not provide a consequence for immorality?
The wars today have more to do with avarice then they do with religion. Do not be deceived. God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. The fate of your life depends not on what I say. It depends not on what the writer of the article debasing Christ has to say. The fate of your life has to do with what is in your heart and if you have Christ in you. Do not confuse the wiles of men, with the will of God.