June 26, 2007
The majority of Americans are well aware that Ann Coulter is a delusional shrew. We are aware that she is generally an untalented, mean-spirited, and largely un-American woman who only gets her voice from saying the most obscene and vile things imaginable. She is indeed a creature of her own creation. If she did not say the hideous nonsense she so routinely spews, she simply would be a nobody without a pulpit. Because she says the things she does, she becomes a nobody with a pulpit. Knowing this, she builds her reputation off of the misery she creates. Normally, I stay clear of people like this because speaking about her only gives her a shred of credibility, to which she does not deserve. Unfortunately, Chris Matthews felt compelled to grant this trail of slime a full hour on his show tonight. A full hour in prime time to a woman who is a cancer eating away at this country and the discourse we seek to have.
Besides the fact that she ran roughshod over the king of whiffle-ball during the hour; the majority of the time she spent not answering the questions she didn’t like and mocking anything of substance. Such behavior leads me to wonder; exactly what purpose did she serve? Why did Matthews even bother giving this woman an entire hour of prime time television? On the most basic, fundamental issues which she blatantly lied about, Matthews did not even offer an objection; allowing her to lie and simply move on. While the lies were varied during the hour, I will offer only two of the most disgusting to prove the point.
First, when asked about a poll that showed 20% of Americans still believe that Saddam Hussein had WMD, Coulter did not even blink behind her sunglasses. She first perpetrated the lie that WMD actually were found. She tried to split hairs and say that “stockpiles” were not found but WMD were. Nonsense. When pressed slightly, the best she could muster was “we found ricin”, which is also untrue. Not content with merely lying about the factual base, she then tried to rewrite history. Faced with the reality that the reason given to us for the Iraq debacle was the WMD issue, Coulter actually tried to lay that at the feet of the press and liberals. The insanity would be almost laughable if it was not so frightening. She said that Bush gave “many reasons for the war” including rape rooms which he referenced just 15 minutes before the war started, in his speech. Fortunately, Ann’s lies are so transparent they debunk themselves. You see, the war was sold to the Congress and the American people for months before that speech where Bush officially launched the war. The war was sold to Congress and the American people solely on the WMD issue. We heard about mobile trailers, anthrax, and mushroom clouds. Coulter knows full well that if Bush had tried to sell the war to Congress based on the “Saddam is a bad guy” angle, he never would have received permission. That is why Bush chose the WMD issue to sell us this war. I know it. Bush knows it. Coulter knows it. The rewriting of history aside, Ann only looked foolish to those who understand what has happened over the past five years.
Matthews never called Coulter on these egregious and ridiculous lies; clearly intimidated by her. Instead he went on to ask her about another poll, which showed that 40% of Americans still believe that Saddam Hussein had something to do with 911. Unabashed and unchallenged, Coulter went on to lie about this as well and dare to say that “of course Saddam worked with al Qaeda!” You cannot make this stuff up folks. The rest of reality knows full well that Saddam and bin Laden were enemies. Saddam ran a secular Islamic nation; the antithesis of the beliefs of al Qaeda. The Northern region of Iraq, where al Qaeda was known to have operated was completely outside of the control of Hussein. The alleged Prague meeting has been debunked as fantasy and the completely compromised 911 commission has agreed that Saddam had absolutely nothing to do with 911! Yet here is the new queen of mean, lying straight to the faces of America, while Chris Matthews allows it unchallenged. Once again, disgusting and frightening.
Perhaps the most compelling moment was when Elizabeth Edwards called in to politely ask her to stop the mudslinging. It seems that Coulter had just expressed how she would have to hope that John Edwards is killed in a terrorist attack. Coulter tried mocking the fact that Mrs. Edwards called and not her husband and when that did not work, she merely mocked that she would even ask. Mrs. Edwards reminded her that she once said that John Edwards had a bumper sticker on his car that read, “Ask me about my dead son”; joking that he used his own son’s death for gain. Coulter merely discarded the comment by saying, “that was over three years ago.”
I don’t necessarily blame Ann Coulter. Vileness is inherently vile. As once remarked on an old episode of Married with Children; “You give a gun to a chimp and the chimp shoots someone, you don’t blame the chimp.” No, Ann Coulter being a lying chimp is as expected as Don Imus saying off color jokes. The difference is Imus fancies himself a comedian and Coulter fancies herself a human being. No, I blame Chris Matthews who engaged in this hour long promo for Coulter. He offered no challenge to her blatant lies and in fact, had a completely biased crowd behind her, so she would not even get any opposition from the “random questions from the crowd.” Instead, every question was a chance for people from the Heritage Foundation and other neo-con organizations to fawn over Ann in a lame and desperate attempt to lend some credibility to her. She did not need them though because Matthews gave her all the credibility she could have asked for by even saying hello to her, let alone giving her an entire hour of national television to spread her lies and hate.