Michelle Malkin and Fox “News” have finally gone off the deep end. George Bush pulled out the veto stamp for only the 4th time in 7 yrs to veto a bill that would have given children’s healthcare a modest increase. According to Republican and Fox logic, $1 trillion for Iraq is a wise investment; $35 billion over 7 yrs for children’s healthcare is not.
Is it just me or have the Republicans and The 30% finally and irrevocably lost their collective minds? Instead have having a rational debate about it; they immediately set about attacking, smearing, and swiftboating the messenger, who in this case turns out to be a 12 year old boy. And as if turning the full throated hysteria of the Republican attack machine against a 12 yr old wasn’t enough, Michelle Malkin decided to do some dumpster diving and released the address of the family. Much like she released the names and contact information of UC Santa Cruz students who protested against military recruiters on campus, who then received death threats. I guess she feels a 12 yr old boy can handle it.
Of course Fox and the Republicans are also attacking the Democrats for using a 12 yr old boy to rebut the President’s address. They probably figured the kid had an unfair advantage when debating Dubya. In any event, they have apparently forgotten the “snowflake” babies George trotted out in The Rose Garden after he vetoed Stem Cell Research.
Illegally invading sovereign nations based on a lie, no bid contracts to cronies to rebuild said sovereign nation, record oil profits, and ignoring the wishes of 70% of the American people are apparently alright with Malkin and her ilk. But God forbid we try to help the children, heck they’re not even old enough to fight yet!