Alternative Titles:
U.S. National Security: China and the Manual on Counter-Commulism
U.S. National Security: China’s Secret Weapon (Plan) – Commulism
Analyst’s Opening Statement: This 10 Part “Commulism Series” was seven months in development. Considering how fast data changes, the Analyst has strived to keep current the volumes of relevant data throughout, recognizing there may be a few data points that might not be absolutely current at publishing date, particularly during these past few weeks of highly volatile financial market activity. However, the threat assessment, core themes and Counter-Manual (Framework) Guidelines remain fully supported, and not sensitive to the day to day data fluctuations.
Also, the Analyst views (and intends) this document to be a vehicle to provoke public debate on the theme article issue and that the White House/DOD/State Department et al to read this, “acknowledge” the threat, and revise the following proposed “Commulism Response Framework” accordingly. The ideas presented are aggressive, if not unconventional in some areas, as they must be given the seriousness of the threat. They are provocative, for the sole purpose of sparking that much needed, yet currently absent public and government debate, in the vital interests of collective U.S. national and economic security.
Finally, it would indeed be refreshing to hear one of the 2008 Presidential hopefuls in either party or a soon to launch Independent, move beyond petty badmouthing of the other candidates. Instead, having them prudently focus on something of substance both the American people and themselves have yet to recognize and mention, but promptly need to become aware and understand. It is an issue/term/moniker ("Commulism") NEVER media et al mentioned. Who on the campaign trail is ready to broach and champion an issue which dwarfs other issues in terms of future U.S. national/economic security impact, yet has never been mentioned in the public or campaign lexicon? Hopefully one of these candidates is ready to step up and be the first to declare the rise of Commulism, and the plan to address it - the “Counter-Commulism Framework”. Any reader that is within one, two or three degrees of separation to a 2008 Presidential candidate is encouraged to direct them here to begin that important awareness and education process.
The brief era of US monopolistic superpower (hegemony) status is rapidly drawing to conclusion. A new and substantially upgraded challenger is poised to fill the competitive void involuntarily abandoned by the Soviet Union in 1989. Enter China, with Russia, an up and coming number two – this time.
Indeed that seems to be the case if one looks at where China (and Russia) was, is and going and as importantly its intriguingly innovative game plan to achieve that status. In essence, employing new and improved or rather better characterized as “evolved Communism” (“market driven Communism”), herein coined and added to the American lexicon as “COMMULISM”; "Communist Capitalism" - COMMUnism fueled by CapitaLISM.
Late Publishing Note: Interestingly and unexpectedly, yesterday in Davos, Switzerland at the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates introduced a new and more benign if not counter-intuitive (non-profit versus profit) direction for traditional Capitalism, called “Creative Capitalism”. Commulism on the other hand leverages Capitalism in quite the opposite direction. Compunding the differences further, Creative Capitalism is conceptually more dream than reality, while Commulism is indeed very real.
With all due respect then to Mr. Gates, bottom line, Commulism will derail any hope of Creative Capitalism ever taking root, so perhaps he might consider shifting gears and instead focus both his ample resources and personal celebrity power to help thwart the biggest threat to not only the U.S. economy, but his own personal dream too.
Analyst Note: Also add into the Commulism recipe, a pinch, and I do mean a very minor, bare minimal “geographically targeted element” of “pawned Democracy” (human rights perspective) as will be evident in the Social Order section to follow.
The relevant questions then become how did this brilliant, striking and monumental breakthrough come about, what it means now, what it portends for the future and if not more importantly, what to do about it going forward. This analysis answers those questions with a comprehensive Analysis/Assessment of Commulism, supported by a proposed “Commulism Crisis Response Framework” to address it, concluding with a perplexing “What’s Next”.
General Petraeus, the Commander of U.S. Forces in Iraq wrote the Manual on Counter-Insurgency. Congressman Charlie Wilson figuratively wrote the book on defeating Communism (vis-à-vis defeating the Soviet Union in Afghanistan with Stinger missiles supplied to the mujahideen).
Consider this then Edition 1 of the “Manual on Counter-Commulism”, the Guide to defeating Commulism.
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