Analyst's Opening Statement: This 10 Part "Commulism Series" was seven months in development. Considering how fast data changes, the Analyst has strived to keep current the volumes of relevant data throughout, recognizing there may be a few data points that might not be absolutely current at publishing date, particularly during these past few weeks of highly volatile financial market activity. However, the threat assessment, core themes and Counter-Manual (Framework) Guidelines remain fully supported, and not sensitive to the day to day data fluctuations.
Also, the Analyst views (and intends) this document to be a vehicle to provoke public debate on the theme article issue and that the White House/DOD/State Department et al to read this, "acknowledge" the threat, and revise the following proposed "Commulism Response Framework" accordingly. The ideas presented are aggressive, if not unconventional in some areas, as they must be given the seriousness of the threat. They are provocative, for the sole purpose of sparking that much needed, yet currently absent public and government debate, in the vital interests of collective U.S. national and economic security.
Finally, it would indeed be refreshing to hear one of the 2008 Presidential hopefuls in either party or a soon to launch Independent, move beyond petty badmouthing of the other candidates. Instead, having them prudently focus on something of substance both the American people and themselves have yet to recognize and mention, but promptly need to become aware and understand. It is an issue/term/moniker ("Commulism") NEVER media et al mentioned. Who on the campaign trail is ready to broach and champion an issue which dwarfs other issues in terms of future U.S. national/economic security impact, yet has never been mentioned in the public or campaign lexicon? Hopefully one of these candidates is ready to step up and be the first to declare the rise of Commulism, and the plan to address it - the "Counter-Commulism Framework". Any reader that is within one, two or three degrees of separation to a 2008 Presidential candidate is encouraged to direct them here to begin that important awareness and education process.
Part 1: concluded with the int egrated "5 Pillar Superpower (Commulism) Sustainability Framework" to support the core ideology - Communism:
Note: For the visual, see the illustrative Commulism 5 Pillar Structure Chart at the end of article (note included in all 10 Parts). The columned look was chosen to denote the insidious nature of Commulism, by capturing the underlying Communist ideology intent to displace Democracy.
Part 2:, provided the first half of the analysis and assessment of the first of the 5 Commulism Pillars - "Economic".
This Part 3 completes the Commulism "Economic Pillar" with "What's the Endgame?"
What’s the Endgame?
So with the argument made that the (only) objective of the Chinese government is to access and secure strategic information/expertise rather than own or partner a controlling interest in any specific company (in the short term), what then is China’s real motive or endgame plan to use this newfound, coveted expertise?
Simply, to optimally exploit and leverage the deployment of its bulging trade surplus, or better referred to as its foreign exchange reserve pool. These reserves and the velocity or better yet acceleration, of continued buildup, have now reached a critical mass, such that this excess liquidity is not only becoming inflationary to simply hold onto, but more importantly, a level where China can now elevate the Commulism game plan to begin its bid to control the global economy. In doing so, China moves from heretofore single dimension exporter of manufactured goods to dominating multi-dimensional global financier, spinning a global web of economic control and ownership financed by its robust money making engine and the economic war chest it generates and wields.
To put the size and stunning growth of the foreign exchange reserves into perspective, consider the startling facts in the June 23, 2007 China Daily article titled “China’s Forex to Invest in Blackstone” which reports that the foreign exchange reserves reached a staggering $1.2 trillion (yes, trillion) in March 2007, of which other sources note some 70% invested in U.S. denominated instruments. In fact, that was an astounding increase of 37% in one year, which equates to an accelerating pool buildup rate of $30 plus billion per month or $1+ billion “per day” (yes, per day). That $1.2 trillion in March is now projected to currently be $1.5 trillion plus.
Note: An indicator that China has reached a key critical mass milestone or stage where it is ready to unleash its economic might and leveraging its burgeoning financial positioning, consider just within the last month or two the Chinese government’s stunning announcement on currency diversification. The government stated it will start diversifying its $1.5 trillion foreign exchange reserves away from its 70% concentration in U.S. dollar denominated instruments in favor of other currencies. The news sent immediate shock waves through global currency and financial markets, clearly registering and confirming to Beijing the underpinnings of its grand economic domination plan are in place. Consider that straw man announcement as a “cause and effect probe”. The two “effect” conclusions - Beijing clearly saw it can get the world’s attention – quickly. The second, the dollar is clearly very sensitive to it, if not even in hostage condition.
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