This was no surprise as Russia has been suggesting for weeks that U.S. "missile defense" deployments in Poland and the Czech Republic would force them to field more military forces on their borders as NATO and the U.S. expand eastward.
Some are predicting a new arms race will result. This is just what the military industrial complex in the U.S. wants to happen.
As NATO expands, and signs up former Warsaw Pact nations into the U.S. controlled alliance, all new members must purchase weapons technologies that are "inter-operable" with NATO. What that means is that new members must get rid of their Russian military hardware and buy new U.S. made military technologies that can fit into and operate in the NATO military scheme. It's a huge boondoggle for the U.S. weapons industry.
And clearly the U.S. is not happy when any country, particularly Russia, wants to "assert its independence." Doesn't Russia understand? The New World Order means the U.S. is on top and everyone else has to submit to its authority?
So look at the map closely and see how the U.S. and it's military agent NATO are now militarily surrounding Russia. The message to Russia is "submit or face the consequences"!