Biblical and other prophecies of the end-times seem to reinforce a fatalistic view. The christofascists seize upon these to justify destructiveness, and to intimidate those of us who want life to continue, into believing that we are somehow violating God's will. They tell us that only Bush supporters will be saved from the wrath to come, which in fact is upon us. The tribulation is real enough.
There are many positive prophecies that go along with the negative ones. Prophecies are telling us that we have a choice, and that if we make the wrong choice, there will be dire consequences. However, if we change our ways to conform with God's will, which is that we love Him/Her= Creator, giver of life, and if we love our neighbors, the Force will be with us. We need to focus on the positive visions offered by the prophecies, and be encouraged that the lovers of peace, justice, truth and love will prevail.
Isaiah 29: 20-21For the ruthless will be no more
and the arrogant will have gone;
All who are alert to do evil will be cut off,
those whose mere word condemns a man,
who ensnare the defender in court, and with false testimony
deprive the innocent of justice.