We need to make impeachment of Bush and Cheney the central focus of the 2006 elections, and the top priority of the new Congress. If they leave office prior to the elections, the White House will remain in Republican hands. After November, the new Speaker of the House, doubtless a Democrat, will become president. We will be working in tandem with Fitzgerald and the Abramoff prosecutors, and should be able to pull this off, even with all the gerrymandering and voting machine fraud.
The DNC wants to maintain the status quo. They are corrupt and colluded with the GOP in the 2004 election theft. The way to bypass their influence is to make every Democratic candidate for Congress, incumbent or not, take a stand on impeachment. This is where we activists come in.
Step 1: Organize an impeachment group in your Congressional District. This can easily be done through www.impeachBush.meetup.com , which combines the net and the street.
Step 3: Print out the attached petition, which adds citizen signatures to Conyers' call for censure and impeachment. Gather signatures at events, table in front of supermarkets and post offices, give copies of the petition to your friends and coworkers. FAX the signatures gathered to Conyers and to your Representative.
Step 4: Ask your Rep for a face to face meeting with 10-15 members of your group, to discuss their stance on impeachment. You can present him/her with a stack of signed petitions at that time.
Step 5: If your Rep won't come out for impeachment, look for a candidate to run against him/her. The Greens have endorsed impeachment, so their candidate should talk it up. Write to your newspapers, go on the radio, make it a local issue.
No doubt you can think of many other ways to further our goal of getting rid of Bush and Cheney. You might join http://groups.yahoo.com/group/activisitsforimpeachment to share your ideas and progress with like minded people.
Now is our chance to overthrow the fascists, legally and peacefully.
God is with us.
Luke 1: 46He has cast down the mighty from their thrones
and has lifted up the lowly.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman