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A concrete step toward impeachment

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Message carol wolman, MD
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Howard Dean, former governor of Vermont and chair of the Democratic National Committee, has asked us for feedback on what the Democrats should be doing, at http://www.democrats.org/page/petition/chairman/futfbu

This is our chance to tell Dr. Dean that we want Bush and Cheney impeached. The following letter suggests a way that he can personally help make this happen as quickly as possible, as we prepare for the November elections. We must make it clear to the DNC that we want impeachment to be the main order of business.

A number of us are working together for a major letter-writing campaign to Dr. Dean. If he receives a number of letters with this suggestion, he will see that "we the people" don't merely want a change of party, we want the criminals in the White House removed and judged for their crimes, treason by outing a CIA agent being high on the list.

This campaign originated with Norah Foster of the East Bay impeach meetup. Please join us in spreading the word far and wide. Go to http://www.democrats.org/page/petition/chairman/futfbu
and write your letter to Dr. Dean. You can cut and paste the one below, or make up your own.

Dear Dr. Dean,

The number 1 priority for this country is to impeach Bush and Cheney for high crimes and misdemeanors. Lying us into war, outing a CIA agent, allowing 9-11 to happen- there is an endless list of treasonous activities.

Impeachment cannot happen in the usual way, through the House Judiciary Committee, as long as the Republicans control the committee chairs. But there is an an alternate route. Under the House rules, if a state legislature calls for impeachment, the entire House must stop all other business and consider the resolution.

Your home state of Vermont could initiate this procedure, and thereby get Congr. John Conyers House Resolutions 635,636 & 637 out of the Judiciary Committee and onto the House floor. We ask you to use your influence to persuade the Vermont legislature to pass a resolution calling for investigation into treason and other impeachable offenses on the part of Bush and Cheney.

Many of us are withholding funds from the Democratic Party until we see some action toward impeachment. This is an ideal way for you, as ex-governor of Vermont and current head of the Democratic National Committee, to use your influence.


Carol S. Wolman, MD
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Carol S. Wolman, MD is a psychiatrist in Northern California. A lifelong peace activist, she is helping to distribute a Peace Plan for the Holy Land- email her for a copy. She also a film producer with Paradise Cove Productions, currently (more...)

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