Basically, pressure has to be applied to our Representatives in Congress to truly represent our interests, rather than the interests of the corporations, the military-industrial complex, the energy czars who want Bush to remain.
We have vested our authority as "we the people" in these Representatives, and can vote them out this November if they don't do what we want.
This essay will lay out several different pathways which can be taken to induce the House to do its job.
1) Put pressure on the current Congress to start an investigation into impeachable offenses. This has been tried for the past year, and is going nowhere. Even with the fall of Tom DeLay, the White House control of the House remains firm, and Congr. John Conyers House Resolutions 635,636 & 637, calling for censure and investigation of Bush and Cheney, don't get out of the Republican controlled Judicial Committee. This is the only path that has been followed so far, and it has led to great discouragement, since the White House simply stonewalls all requests for information that could lay the groundwork for impeachment.
We are getting around the Washington blanket of fear by pressuring Howard Dean, the chair of the Democratic National Committee, to work for impeachment. He is ex-governor in Vermont and mounted the only serious challenge to Bush's war presidency in 2004. Although the Committee is dominated by those playing ball with Bush, Dean is an independent thinker and might be persuaded that taking on impeachment is the only way to win Congress in the fall.
We are mounting a letter writing campaign, via a handy link provided by the DNC. Tell Dean that getting rid of the bad guys in the White House is our number one priority, and we want the Democrats, all Democratic candidates for Congress, to pledge to initiate an investigation into impeachable offenses, if elected. Recent polls show that 80% of Democrats want impeachment.
Tell Dean that we will give no money to the Democratic party until it advocates impeachment.
You can write to him at
3) Pressure people who are running for Congress, especially incumbents, to mention the possibility of impeachment in their re-election campaign. Our goal is to make impeachment THE CENTRAL campaign issue.
4) Run our own impeachment candidates through the Green party. Some of us are organizing on the internet to this end.
5) Work on an alternate route, via state legislatures, which can send impeachment resolutions to Congress. Take impeachment resolutions to city councils, boards of supervisors, and any other official bodies you can think of.
6) Build your core group. offers a handy way to inform people of meetings and other events. Our east bay group is active enough now that we also have a yahoo group where we can quickly exchange ideas and chat.
7) Build the movement- reach out to the community. Table, get people to sign petitions to Dean, share the mike at local events, make speakers available to other groups, liaison with the Greens, the Democrats, the peace movement, environmentalists, women and minority activists, advocates for the poor, and your family, friends and neighbors. Impeachment is a movement whose time has come. We The People need to take our authority back!
Impeachment is peaceful, legal, and democratic. We can do this!
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman