Rep. Nancy Pelosi has already let us know that if she becomes Speaker of the House, "impeachment is not on the table".
Her spokesman in her home district of San Francisco repeated her position last week to a gathering of activists- 3 Congressional candidates (Krissy Keefer, Carol Brouillet, Carol Wolman), Code Pink founder Medea Benjamin, author Peter Phillips, and many others. IMPEACH BUSH-CHENEY presented the Pelosi SF chief of staff with 12,000 signatures gathered from Bay Area residents in the past few months, demanding impeachment. We hit a stone wall.
Impeachment is on the ballot as a referendum in San Francisco and Berkeley (and many other places, including the State of Vermont), yet Pelosi won't consider it. Obviously, she's made a deal with the Bush people.
The Democrats won't initiate impeachment, and of course the Republicans won't, so there won't be impeachment unless there is a huge outcry from the public. To be effective, this outcry has to come from disillusioned Christians- evangelicals, moral majority types, who realize that they have been deceived.
In the Christian iconography, satan is the great deceiver. He is described in 2 Thessalonians 2:1-10 as "the man of lawlessness", and if you consult your Bible, you'll see that the description fits Bush to a "T". He is called antichrist, and turns words upside down, as Bush does, and revels in killing and torture, as Bush does.
Few people realize that 600,000 Iraqis, one out of every 40, have been killed since the invasion by Americans 3 1/2 years ago. Saddam is about to hang for the damage he inflicted on his people over a 25 year period, which was minor by comparison.
Many true Christians have been deceived by the claims of the man of lawlessness (2 Thess. 2: 1-10). The current rulers are like the Pharisees whom Jesus regularly denounced as hypocrites. Matthew 23:27 "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you are like whitewashed tombs which on the outside appear beautiful, but inside they are full of dead men's bones and all uncleanness."
Bush was put into office by Christians who were deceived by his outward piousness. Now that his true nature has been revealed- lying us into Iraq and making enormous personal profit from the spoils of war, tolerating all sorts of lechery and bawdiness in the White House, legalizing torture, taking unlimited power over every citizen through the Military Commissions Act- now that he is clearly the opposite of whom he says he is, now it is the duty of Christians to unmask him. It is the clear duty of Christians to denounce him as a wolf in sheep's clothing, and to spread the word throughout the churches. Let everyone know that he is no Christian but represents the spirit of antichrist, the deceiver and destroyer.
This powerful group of citizens, the evangelicals, have already turned against Bush, but they're doing it in a cowardly, mealy mouth way, with few exceptions. I talked recently to the minister who baptized me, in the Foursquare Gospel Church, many years ago. He no longer is a minister, and no longer cares to discuss politics. This is the same man I visited on 9/11/2001, and he was eager on that fateful day to show me how Ezekiel 37-29 describes the evil Muslim hordes who worship a moon goddess, and to tell me about legislation the church was backing to make Christianity the state religion in the US. Now my baptizer is hiding in a corner.
I recently attended a service in the same church. The focus was all on healing for personal problems,- no prayers for world peace, for relief of suffering of the poor, or other Christian concerns. Since it was just before the election, the current minister preached on the importance of voting, and of consulting God first. Although he clearly is unhappy about the direction the country is headed, he prayed for Bush and said he's a good man with a hard job. My confrontation with the minister after the service inspired this article.
The evangelicals were honestly deceived about Bush, I do believe. But instead of doing the right thing now- publicly admitting their mistake, taking responsibility for the damage they have caused, and helping to fix it, they are hiding in their narcissistic concerns and pursing their usual hot button issues- vendettas against homosexuality and abortion. What kind of Christians are they? They've forgotten about truth.
If evangelicals understand that they are dealing with the man of lawlessness, they should demand that justice be done, and the rule of law returned to this great nation. They should be the loudest in calling for impeachment. They owe it to themselves, and to the rest of us. God will judge them harshly if they allowed themselves to be fooled, twice, and won't take off the blinders even now, and bring everything into the light.
Spread the word to all Christians you know. Demand that they make amends for the harm their gullibility has caused. If you're affiliated with a church, go there and talk about it. Talk to the minister, ask to give a sermon on it.
If the evangelicals start calling for impeachment, it will happen quickly.