We live in an age when politics and religion, specifically Bible-based Christianity, are inextricably mixed. The main reason Bush and Cheney have gotten away with what they've gotten away with is that they have the backing of the evangelical churches. These churches have provided these evil men with a cadre of blind but dedicated volunteers who will torture, kill, corrupt the electoral process, and keep Bush and Cheney in power with the belief that in so doing they are hastening the return of Jesus Christ.
The right wing Republican churches have become Zionist, and AIPAC has teamed up with them to corrupt Congress as well. The zeal of their congregants, who refuse to believe anything bad about Bush and Cheney, no matter how much evidence they are shown, is based on a belief in the rapture cult.
It is imperative to understand how the rapture cult works. It's also called dominionism and dispensationalism. Their sick interpretation of Biblical prophecy would have us believe that nuclear holocaust is inevitable, and that the faithful will be raptured up on a mushroom cloud with Jesus to a happier realm. Dominionism, because political domination by these churches is part of the picture. Dispensationalism, because those who join the cult are presumed to be cleansed of all sins from that time forward, so they don't need to be held accountable for their actions. So turue believers can do what they want, and be saved if they support Bush.
This doctrine has been cynically fabricated and publicized by the modern-day Pharisees to garner a crowd of faithful. They provide a veneer, a thin veneer, of legitimacy to Bush and Cheney, by providing enough votes and enough poll cheating to make it appear that they won in 2004. This was Karl Rove's strategy, and it worked to the point where elections will no longer be necessary, because martial law will have been declared- at least that's their plan.
The rapture cult was promulgated by science fiction writer Hal Lindsey in the 60's and 70's, with the immensely popular "The Late, Great Planet Earth". LeHaye and Jenkins took up the baton with the "Left Behind" series, which has around 70 million readers. Lindsey and LeHaye, by the way, are both close to Bush.
This was all cynically planned by thinktanks like the Hoover Institute. The Christian Right took over the Republican party and installed the thugs Bush and Cheney, and continue to support them. The rest of us are intimidated by the theology, much as we may pooh-pooh it. We deal with it by rejecting the Bible altogether, and thus denying ourselves the powerful weapon of righteousness backed by God's word.
Jesus had this to say to people like Bush, Cheney, Lindsey and LeHaye:
Mt 23:13
"Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites.
You lock the Kingdom of heaven before men.
You do not enter yourselves,
nor do you allow entrance to those trying to enter.
We all want to enter the Kingdom of heaven, of brotherly love and cooperation. Indeed we must, if we are to avoid the mushroom cloud. The Bible intends for us to avoid nuclear holocaust, this must be understood. The Lord's prayer is specific- "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done ON EARTH as it is in heaven." Not in the clouds, or on some other planet, ON EARTH.
Jesus well described what the rapture cultists and Pharisees have done. They've turned many Americans away from our spiritual heritage, which is the Bible, specifically the New Testament. While the Old Testament is full of bloody wars and genocide, Jesus brought a new covenant, of peace on earth, to replace the old. Martin Luther King, Jr. was His disciple, and look what he accomplished. We need the teaching and example of Jesus now more than ever.
The only way to fight the rapture cult is with the Bible. Only the Word will bring the misguided sheep to their senses. Here's my favorite passage:
Deut 30: 19 This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.
If we are to avoid the fate which Bush and Cheney plan for us, to institute fascism and gradually depopulate the planet with "selective" nuclear wars, we must choose life, for ourselves and our children, NOW. We must arm ourselves with truth and righteousness, link arms in love and be willing to sacrifice our individual egos and even lives for the survival of the species.
We must, in short, institute God's Kingdom on earth. Nothing less will enable us to stop global warming, prevent nuclear war, and cope with the myriad other ills staring us in the face.
Choose life! Impeach Bush and Cheney now!
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