As I work for peace and impeachment, writing and organizing, sometimes I become demoralized by the news and by the apparently inexorable march toward an attack on Iran, and fascism. It’s not just me, family and friends in the movement make similar complaints.
It helps to realize that our demoralization is deliberately fostered. We are being subjected to a relentless bombardment of propaganda, designed to convince us that Bush and Cheney know best, and that those of us who protest are marginal weirdos. It’s called PSYOPS.
Psychological Operations (PSYOP, PSYOPS) are techniques used by military and police forces (AND BY THE BUSH/CHENEY GANG) to influence a target audience's emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and behavior. Target audiences can be governments, organizations, and individuals , (AND THE AMERICAN PUBLIC) and are used in order to induce confessions, or reinforce attitudes and behaviors favorable to the originator's objectives. These are sometimes combined with black operations or false flag tactics.
How do We the People defend ourselves against PSYOPS?
First, we have to accept the fact that We the People have an enemy, the Bush/Cheney regime. They are trying to steal our sovereignty, our precious self-rule, guaranteed under the US Constitution. The Bush/Cheney agenda is 1) perpetual war, to enrich themeselves and their cronies with taxpayers' money by funding war and oil corporations; 2) fascist legislation, to endow themsleves with limitless power over the populace.
Second, we have to understand that the mainstream media (MSM) have become propaganda instruments, to be used for targeting us, We the People, with PSYOPS. Bush/Cheney are trying to force a paradigm shift, replacing the Constitution (which they have sworn to uphold and defend) with endless war and dictatorship. We should be highly skeptical of anything put out by the MSM.
Bush/Cheney are trying to condition us into accepting that bombing Iran is inevitable, and will inievitably lead to retaliation, catastrophe on American soil, and martial law. They want us to despair of heading off the juggernaut, despite all our demonstrations, blogging, uncovering of crimes and scandals.
Bush and Cheney want us to believe they are unstoppable.
They are not. They can and must be stopped.
To stop them, we must assert and strengthen the Constitutional paradigm. The Constitution has a built-in defense against usurpation of power by the Executive branch. It’s called IMPEACHMENT, and is mandatory when when the Executive disregards the legislative body.
The instrument is at hand- H Res 333, IMPEACH Cheney, on the basis of lying us into Iraq and threatening Iran on false charges.
How do we get a Congress which is in bed with Bush/Cheney to impeach?
1) Stay on message. IMPEACH, IMPEACH, IMPEACH. Don’t get distracted, even by the need to get out of Iraq, by the need to prevent an attack on Iran, by the need to stop global warming- all of these will follow once impeachment happens. Above all, don’t get distracted by silly media stories like the “presidential debates”, or “man’s leg found in barbecue”.
2) Don’t be intimidated. Yes, lots of terrible things will happen if Iran is attacked, if martial law is declared. Our job is to prevent these things from happening. There’s only one way to do it – IMPEACHMENT.
3) Don’t be fooled by shadowplay. Congress can pretend to investigate, set deadlines for Iraq, fight over funding for children’s health care, but in the end, they keep enabling the Bush/Cheney agenda. Until they IMPEACH, they are not representing We the People. Keep telling them of our displeasure, and our demand for IMPEACHMENT. Call every day. Thank those who have signed on to H Res 333, and pressure those who have not to cosponsor.
4) Unite our forces. IMPEACHMENT IS THE UMBRELLA ISSUE. If we get Bush/Cheney out of office, all the other changes we want will be much easier. We have lots of allies, In the military, the intelligence community, among true Christians, labor, environmentalists- almost everyone.
5) To get Congress to IMPEACH, threaten their jobs- said John Conyers to Cindy Sheehan. Find good candidates to run against non-impeaching incumbents in the primaries and the general election, in all 435 Congressional districts. This is starting around the country, and we New Broom candidates are starting to find each other.
Our weapons are spirit and truth. Let’s keep our spirits up, keep telling the truth, and we are bound to prevail.
In the name of the Prince of Peace, Carol Wolman
Cochair, Impeach Bush/Cheney
Green candidate for Congress, CA District 1