Have you been watching the US attacks on Somalia in the news? I've been following this situation with great curiosity, taking an educated wild "guess" that something else besides the Guys-In-the-Cave-from-Afghanistan is the actual gleam within our military's eye!
Then, wouldn't ya know it? On a website of "international information" we are provided with a clue as to the "fatal attraction" aimed at Somalia that, come to find out, has not a whit to do with any foreign "terrorists" hiding out in sandy thatch huts there after all!
At the CIA's website (yes, don't click without taking a deep breath and wearing intellectual protection) we learn that Somalia possesses not only the customary oil-and-gas resources-for-the-taking but, for the fascist elite gangstas in power? Why, it's Christmas time for the American resource robbers with that yellow cake "gold" Uranium, the very stuff we were told that that horrible Saddam was after!
Ho Ho Ho, an early Merry Christmas to you and yours, Somalia! A list of Somalia's natural resources tells us all we need to know about this African nation and the more than probable *real* reason the US has been bombing them to kingdom come! Ready or not, good people of Somalia, here we are... ready, willing, able, and quite unstoppable in our intensely powerful lust for the American Nuclear Renaissance's necessary component, Uranium ore!
Close your eyes, dear Somalia, and try not to notice as we bomb your nation into the stone age, crush your society's infrastructure to bits, weaken and eventually kill off your population, and expertly exploit your previously "UNexploited reserves" while permanently contaminating your water, soil and livestock - all the while wrecking your DNA forever, too!Sadly, the organized US resource robbers are not very thoughtful invaders. For if they're coming to rob Somalia's "goodies", using America's missiles and bombs? They're now also leaving them with the US signature eternal "calling card", Depleted Uranium, in easy-to-breathe, conveniently invisible aerosol gas form - the gift that truly keeps on giving for billions of years!
With an affinity for Uranium oxide to make itself all snug and cozy for decades inside its hosts' hospitable lungs? At the very least, before we hit them with toxic and radioactive bombs from the air and sea, don't we at least owe Somalians a courtesy citizens' gas mask air drop as a diplomatic precursor to takeover before we do our "dirty" business in their nation for all eternity?
But then again, it seems that like the guest from hell it truly is, the US military has a habit of forgetting its manners and customarily leaves only death, devastation, and destruction behind every time it comes to make an invasion and occupation "call".
Diplomacy be damned, dear Somalia. Uncle Sam is here to pay you a visit and help you with your current "lawlessness"! So better brace yourself for some unthinkably rude house guests who are mighty difficult to get rid of once they've decided to thoroughly take what they need, rape your women, make orphans of your babies, and make themselves quite comfortable - permanently - at home.
Oh God! the people of the world cry out. Please tell us somehow, some way that this is all a very bad dream from which we all seem quite unable to awaken? Is there no end in sight to the incomprehensible horrifying annihilation that one nation can cause around the world?