Her response should not surprise us. Today's political maxim is a variation of a Martin Luther King Jr theme that asks: do not be prejudiced against me because of my policies but rather judge me by the content of my image. This maxim is not only practiced religiously by most candidates, it is spoon fed to us by the media and is tolerated by those who consider themselves as being too busy to care.
At issue in the argument between the two is Obama's proposed approach to leaders like Castro and Chavez, an approach that seems to borrow a page from Jesse Jackson's playbook. It is Jackson who says: "listening is unconditional" while "agreeing is conditional." At this point, we might want to admit that there is a grain of truth in The Hill's criticism of Obama. When has an empire ever listened? The rule of thumb for any empire is that it does things because it can.
As for Obama, we should question whether his reference to "Bush-lite" was lifted from someone else. For example, in his book "The Sorrows Of Empire," historian and former CIA consultant, Chalmers Johnson, said that while both George W. Bush and Bill Clinton wanted to extend their American empires, Clinton better "camouflaged" his intentions while Bush relies on a "might makes right" approach. In addition, their empires are different in emphasis. While Clinton's empire was primarily economic, Bush's is militaristic (pg 255-257).
In addition, embracing the Bush-lite label might make it even more difficult for Obama to overtake her in the run for the Democratic nomination. Again, 2 of the last 3 Democratic Presidential nominees have been described as being similar to Bush who himself was not only nominated but "elected" twice. Apparently, America wants regularity. Also, in an age where economic and militaristic WMDs are proliferating, why would we prefer a candidate who would prefers listening to shooting? Isn't listening a sign of weakness while shooting first a sign of strength?
If The Hill wants her presidency to be anything like her husband's, she should wear the Bush-lite label rather than run from it. She should wrap it around her as she would a comforter in the middle of winter. But not only that, she should complain that Obama is not a Bush-lite. Of course, neither is he a Dennis Kucinich.