Oklahoma just voted in a run-off election for several positions. I'm not looking forward to the November elections with all the dead-head rats that virtually all of the candidates tug along with them. The first and most redundant issue in every campaign is GOD. In Oklahoma there are more Baptists than there are people, and candidates, almost always feel obligated to bring up "Falls Creek," the big Baptist sponsored camp near Davis, Oklahoma. We've been there, and we aren't Baptists. It is one of the most beautiful Parks in Oklahoma, even though the Baptists claim it.
All political commercials in Oklahoma are made by oceanographers - you "sea" one and you've "sean" them all.
"Hi, my name is Mary Fallin, and I believe in God, my family, and Oklahoma; and I am running for Congress." Her commercials rival the "Head On" commercials for redundancy, and they grate against ones senses as her fingernails would on a chalk-board. Fallin was our Lieutenant Governor and is now running for the vacated seat of Rep. Ernest Istook, who has been the Forrest Gump of the DC crowd. Fallin claims she has done a lot as the Lieutenant governor, but she's done about as much as Istook has in House of Representatives, which isn't much...
For example, Senator Dr. Tom Colburn, one of our DC new-comers to represent Oklahoma, described one Eastern Oklahoma school district as being so full of lesbians in high school, that teachers had to go to the restrooms with the girls to keep them from being groped. When the school district countered, he then, pulled out the school's ACT scores and misused them to describe the district. Colburn also tried to put-out a hit-contract on OEA/NEA, hoping someone would kill those organizations, So, Colburn should be entered into the Guinness Book of World Records, as the politician who had the biggest hit-list America. Unfortunately, Dr. Colburn won, and we sent him to the Senate.
Yep, this is the same Colburn who cried over how important the Senate hearings were as they questioned the nominees for the Supreme Court. Then, he showed just how interested he was as a member of the committee when Jay Leno pointed him out doing a crossword puzzle to keep himself from falling asleep.
Under the Bush term, Oklahoma has lost thousands of jobs, with the last biggee being the closing of the GM car plant located in Midwest City. Our own area has had 3 important sources of jobs, close down, with one going to China. And we wonder why Bush has never stumped for the American Indian vote.
Oklahoma has a good record, though, on our voting machines, since they are tabulated digitally, but leave a paper trail which can easily be tabulated on a ballot double-check. Our last governor, Keating, hardly put his foot on the ground, long enough to leave a print as he headed for Washington D.C. to get a lucrative job there. The only good governor we've had was Henry Bellmon, who, as a Republican, voted his conscience rather than his party.
My advice? Don't waste your time marking each name on the ballot; just fill in the dot below Democratic. Heck, ... even our cows in Oklahoma are Republican and Baptists, and they vote that way, too. So, be sure to watch out for stampedes on the way to your voting district. And remember - Democrat.