Its called, "WHEN THE LEVEE's BROKE"
Get you DVDs ready and hit HBO to watch their Special on Katrina. It's on HBO, so your young children don't need to watch it. The language is raw, and the scenes are visually devastational, but it is a slam-dunk documentary against George Bush
The documentary has footage not seen on CNN, although, CNN is Katrina's savior, as it was to Rita victims. Most of the documentary covers New Orleans. The video contains lots of still photos and tons of tape. Some of the video is from CNN. No, Cooper Anderson, but Solidad is photographed as she walked through the Dome, which was empty. Death smells were still part of the smells in the complex, as well as excremant and urine.
Later, they show the inside of the Dome, when it was full and when the top was blown open. The footage is raw and unyielding, but it needs to be studied.
The doc shows people and more people. The music is now dire and symphonic. It is raised then lowered. Then in the bleakest part, it snaps back to the music on the streets, "Oh When The Saints Go Marching In." Incredible stuff.
Harry Belafonte speaks his feelings. This was taken from an interview, earlier.
HARRY BELAFONTE: "I call President Bush a terrorist. I call those around him terrorists, as well: Condoleezza Rice, Rumsfeld, Gonzales in the Justice Department, and certainly Cheney. I think all of these men sit -- and women -- sit in the midst of an enormous conspiracy that has been unraveling America for the last eight years -- six years. It is tragic that the dubious way in which this president acquired power should have begun to unravel the Constitution and the peoples of this country."
It also has some footage from NBC. It dwells on Houston and what Grandma Bush said, "So this is a really good deal for these children." It doesn't show her saying that she will donate computers and software as long is it is from her son's business.
My hope is that HBO will show this for the next two months. Kanye West's "George Bush doesn't like black people" is shown over and over, with different peoples thoughts. You gotta see the way they handle this. Its got my man, Al Sharpton, discussing West's comments.
The documentary has lots of wonderful music in it. It makes me whish I were raised in New Orleans. If I had been, I'd probably be a street musician with my singing Blues poodle, sitting in a lawn chair with a hat full of money setting in front of me.
Our school children go to school in air-conditioned comfort. The New Orleans' school buildings are hot and clammy and missing thousands of students. "Levee" bounces around the country and interviews a lot of displaced "Orleanders" and their plight.
Watch for Cheney getting a taste of his own medicine. "Go f*ck yourself." LOL
This documentary should be seen by everyone. It is moved from HBO channel to other HBO channels. HBO has done an exceptional job on this piece. Documentaries like this are worth the watching price, of HBO. Of course, this doc will not change the Bush toe-suckers, but it should galvanize any fence straddlers.