"John Kerry, It's Easy! Just Apologize," Laughed Tony Snow. "What's Hard About that?"
We all saw the news conference where Tony Snow was having a field day at John Kerry's expense, during last week's news conference. Of course we know that Snow wouldn't have had that news conference, if he hadn't thought he had John Kerry in the corner. And we all know what news organization from which Snow was recruited. The same network that extols drug addict, Rush Limbaugh, gambling addict, Bill Bennet, and narcissist Bill O'Reilly.
It's not hard to apologize!" he laughed. "You screwed up John, and all this other stuff could go away if you just apologize! Just apologize!"
Try to get around it by making an excuse. A joke that didn't work. It just didn't work! Snow badgered. It's easy, John, just apologize to the troops. You screwed up and insinuated that our troops aren't smart. Can you say, 'I'm sorry?' Snow repeated with his FOXy grin.
Of course, later John did apologize, and I wonder if Snow was laughing to himself. See, it's easy to hate when you work at FOX News. You don't have to apologize for anything, because FOX is a step ahead of everyone else. You see, FOX is right and everyone else is wrong. "Unbiased and balanced!" and if you believe that, there's a fountain of youth at Slapout, Oklahoma. But, ... what if you can't apologize? Tony, is there ever a time when an apology, doesn't cut it - you, simply can't apologize? No matter how you say it, "I apologize," doesn't work.
How about getting in a car while you are drunk and you wipe-out someones life because you were under-the-influence. And, ... horrors of horrors, you killed almost a whole family. You killed 2 kids and a mother, leaving dad crippled and brother in ICU. How do you apologize for that, Tony? When apologizing just doesn't cut it!
We lost our first daughter in a home accident, Tony, because we bought a bed for our first daughter which was unsafe "at any sleep." Apologizing doesn't cut it, does it, Tony? From experience, Brother Snow, I can tell you that you have to live with it the rest of your life. No apologies will help. Mr. Snow, have you ever killed someone? How about Dick, George, or Condi. Have they every killed someone? Given, Dick came close, and he said it was one of the most difficult times in his life! I hate young people deaths. You see, Tony, we have never seen our grandchildren which our daughter, Darla, would have given us.
Oh, we, still have nightmares about it, and even Superman can't fly around the earth fast enough to move back the clock. Yeh, you dream that it is a nightmare, and when you wake up, your daughter will be there, wanting to climb in bed with you. Or, ... you dream that you are looking at your girl in the coffin, and she moves. She's alive! She's alive! But then you wake up, ... there is no toddler. You buried your daughter. How long does it take to get over a death of a child, Tony? From experience, I can tell you, ... you never get over it. Mr. Snow, you benignly cover up death every time you have a press conference. Do you have any idea how many children Bush's policy has killed? The world will always be missing lots of grandchildren, since Bush was anointed by the Supreme Court and God - the worst decision they have and will ever decide. So let's apologize, Tony; there's nothing hard about it, 'cause "All you have to do is apologize. Say I am sorry. What is hard about that?"
So, Tony, Kerry apologized, and it's over, even though he was right. In Podunk, America, if you don't go to college, the only job available is at Dollar General or at Sonic. No McDonalds, here. Small town America just doesn't offer anything in the way of a job, ... a sustenance job that will cover any family with health insurance. How can you apologize for not signing a minimum wage bill? You can't, Tony. I don't understand how a rich president, refused to sign a poor-mans minimum wage law. Back in the early 60s the minimum wage was 2.33. Today's minimum wage in Oklahoma has just bearly doubled, while tuition is up 7 or 8 times what it was back then. Yes, the man who is hiding behind you, vetoed a minimum wage increase. You see, "George Bush doesn't like black people," and he doesn't like poor people either. That is very Republican of Bush, wouldn't you say? The Bush family and Cheney family are rich, so they have no concept of living from month to month, when you are one major hospitalization away from bankruptcy.
And how about The Supreme Court apologize for voting for a man who mistakingly invaded a country which wasn't even pre-emptively dangerous? Mr. Snow, how come you haven't apologized for Bush and Cheney, huh? Tony, how do you say, "I apologize, because we have, effectively, bull-dozed many entire cities in Mesopotamia, for no good reason?"
Or how do you apologize when your decision has caused genocide - whole families wiped out. Your boss made a decision that killed precious children, moms, dads, grandpas, and grandmas? And he sleeps, sociopathically fine, every night. Will your apologies help, when a mother has lost one of her children.? How about all of their children?
Geez, I know that President Bush says he has been operating by the "will of God." Me thinks that Bush has not gotten out of reading just Genesis - certainly NOT the New Testament. No eye for an eye in the New Testament. Tony, ... would you like to define blasphemy? Check it out in The New Testament.
The gist of blasphemy is characterized as "... attributing to The Holy Spirit, that which is not of The Holy Spirit." Ah, ... let's consider that a bit. Bush claims he has been getting his direction from God above, ... thusly, through The Holy Spirit, he has justified murdering a half a million people. So, Tony, please explain to me the difference between Saddam's WMDs and ours. The only WMD we have found in Iraq, is ours. Would God suggest to anyone it is advantageous to kill a half a million people?
Sure, I support our soldiers, and that is why I want them to come home. Five of our soldiers died yesterday, and probably 100 of Iraqis died yesterday, indirectly because of our presence over there. And you give Kerry a dress-down. Don't give me, "Are you wanting to win this war?" It's too late; we have already lost it.
Tony, referring to you, "This man is not a good man!" "This man is not a good man!" Do you have any idea who said that 3 years ago and at whom it was directed? Tony, it's time to wipe the smirk off of your face. You lose; Kerry wins. We don't call that a "slap down;" we call that "melt down!" And, hopefully after next week, you guys will have to deal with your own "melt down!"