While these political sellout artists have been intoning their mind numbing placations, citizens across the nation have been speaking and acting. Last week Hanover NH town meeting voters, by a nearly 3-1 margin, passed a resolution calling for the impeachment of Bush and Cheney on grounds of the domestic wiretapping in violation of the FISA act. The Chapel Hill North Carolina town council has voted for impeachment, as has the Chicago city council. Grassroots efforts are underway in over a dozen states, including such unlikely candidates as Montana, Indiana, Arizona and even Texas. Impeachment resolutions have been introduced into three state legislatures, with more pending.
Maybe the fact that private citizens do not depend upon well heeled lobbyists for support and sustenance makes it easier for us to speak out about what really matters, to recognize right from wrong, and to not look the other way when we see our government breaking the law.
The fact that the so-called opposition party is AWOL on this issue is probably a boon to the commonweal. The growing movement calling for impeachable offenses to be met with impeachment, and for the Constitution of the United States to be adhered to by its government will be more powerful and compelling without being sullied by association with the groveling and sniveling Democrats, who can tend to their primary task of waiting at the outskirts of the power trough, hoping for a few crumbs to come trickling down to them.
By this fall's election, the voice of the people will be loud and clear and overwhelming. We will have no more of a lawless and immoral government. At that point, those politicians who have learned how to swim will get the message and do the peoples' bidding. Until then, it is best to ignore them while we tend to our business of getting this country back onto the right track.
If we are not willing to act now to save our nation from the dreadful future that the Bush administration has in store for us, then we will deserve the consequences of our inaction. Our leaders are failing us, let us not fail ourselves.