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It Really Is This Simple - Bloggers Are About The Real World

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Dave Johnson
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I glanced at "The Note" this morning to get the Washington Insider view of things.
"See the Democrats in Congress not falling into the Republicans' trap (yet) and avoiding a stop-the-war strategy that will (fully) open them up to charges of abandoning the troops. As they tinker with various legislative efforts to achieve their goal of bringing American troops home, Democrats have three main goals: (1) appease their base; (2) keep their coalition together; and (3) most of all, pressure enough Republicans to demand that the President change course. Oh: and: as a political matter, is the surge working?"
I have to give them credit for saying right at the start, "to achieve their goal of bringing the troops home." But the rest of it? The rest of it is about the politics of it. In fact the entire rest of today's Note is about "the politics" of everything - which is to say, about nothing. The DC media perspective is about the politics. The blogger perspective is about what is happening in the real world. A lot of people are content to argue about politics and positions. I guess it's easier, emotionally, than thinking about the real world. Here are some things going on in the real world: Those people in Iraq are D.E.A.D. That national debt is Money. That. We. Owe. Houses and buildings Will. Be. Under. Water. from global warming. Every single day that the posturing continues more people die in Iraq, more carbon goes into the air, more money is owed. It really is this simple. Dave Johnson, Seeing the Forest
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Dave has more than 20 years of technology industry experience. His earlier career included technical positions, including video game design at Atari and Imagic. He was a pioneer in design and development of productivity and educational (more...)

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