This sort of faffing about is clearly not Reverend Emanuel’s cup of tea. Indeed, the dignified elder, and long-standing member of congress (5 years to Kennedy's half-century), got his pants all up in a bunch over the affair—much as it were the little prankster was picking a crusty dragon at the dinner table.
According to the New York Times, Kennedy said in an interview on the outrageously popular –American viewership (874.5 at its primetime slot of 1:30 AM Eastern Time)—“Political Capital with Al Hunt”, “that Mr. Obama should pick someone who was ‘in tune with his appeal for the nobler aspirations of the American people,’ adding, ‘If we had real leadership — as we do with Barack Obama — in the No. 2 spot as well, it’d be enormously helpful.’”
How dast the bloke go gallivanting about the media as if Congress were nothing but a bit of rumpy-pumpies? The nerve.
Thanks to Emanuel, Kennedy’s comments were amplified to several million Americans, who would have otherwise never known the sixes and sevens of it.
Emanuel slagged the Massachusetts Senator for slagging Clinton, saying like a dispirited British monk, “I have a lot of respect for Ted Kennedy, but I don’t know how the hell he comes off saying that…The gratuitous attack on her is uncalled for and wrong. He is a better senator than that comment reveals.”
If you are having trouble discerning a “gratuitous attack on” Senator Hillary Clinton in those remarks, then sweet fanny Adams, you’re really off your trolley.
But let us, for the sake of bandying about the proverbial toodle pip, suppose that in those comments, Kennedy suggested Hillary Clinton is not in tune with Obama’s nobler aspirations of the American people. Let’s assume he is saying, too, that Clinton does not have real leadership…
Well would Kennedy really be so full of beans? I’m afraid not. See, Hillary Clinton actually tore a leaf from the willets of Karl Rove, George W. Bush, Bill Kristol, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Joseph McCarthy, and Chief Magistrate William Stoughton (R-Salem).
Many, you see, are buggered about the support-Clinton-or-shut-the-hell-up attitude that elitists in Washington are PUSHING on others. It’s one thing for Obama to avoid challenging or disparaging Hillary, but that’s his personal decision.
Many are actually rankled by Emanuel’s effort to silence dissent. It has the unique putrid smell of the Republican, top-down mentality that has brought America to the brink of tyranny and moral and economic bankruptcy. I have a lot of respect for Rahm Emanuel, but I don’t know how the hell he comes off saying that.
Are we, as a party, supposed to simply praise and support anyone who calls his or herself a Democrat? Let’s recap Hillary’s talking points: “I don’t agree with the activist base of the Democratic Party;” “He would not have been my pastor;” “We could totally obliterate Iran.”
I’ve heard too many conservatives utter these phrases. Enough to know I won’t vote for or support a Democrat who agrees. Clinton ought to join Joe Lieberman in the "biggest sell-out for political gain" category. Rahm Emanuel is a better Democrat than his comments reveal.