Dear Lord, God, All the Hosts of Heaven, Prophets, Priests and Apostles on God's buddy list.
We are sending this email, return receipt requested, so we are sure, at least you got it. We are in deep poo poo pa doo here on Earth and can no longer afford to think you just aren't listening to us. There is a trend here on the planet we need divine intervention on your part to put a stop to.
It seems the little me's of ego that are really large in their own eyes and who have gotten used to running and ruining their particular country have finally just let it be known that leaving office according to hard won constitutional law, is no longer an option. Lord knows...oops, sorry, (Maybe you do and maybe you don't), that just ain't right. These guys just keep on going and going and going and we fear someone who has fallen out of favor in our own country is going to catch on.
Hugo Chavez is doing it even as we speak. Vlad Putin or "Pooty Poot" as our sophisticated President calls him, seems to be on the road to President for Life as well. It's really quite amazing. If you want to stay in your elected, or selected (I think we get to elect those who are already selected for us) office, you just change the rules that prevent you from ever having to leave. Even that guy in Pakistan has picked up on how this trick is done.
See, the reason we ask this is because we have already had enough of the American Dynastic Association of late. We really need a rule that no two people, male or female, in the same family can ever run for President. An American Family can pick a member to run for President, but then that's it for the family name. This will rule out personal wealth building and the perpetuation of terrible leadership, as long as the nausea that results from having to repeat the same names over and over for year after year. I have a couple of names we might put on the "No Run" list, but I'll send you those in another email.
So please, we who indeed are small and whose sphere of influence is way to small to effect our sphere of concern implore thee and thine holy friends to permit our current American administration to pass through the food tube and drop out the other end at the appropriate time with no constipating factors that would allow such to remain in the loop beyond that which is legal. When I say legal, I say..ohhhh, legal as in pre-1990 or so just to be safe.
My sense, Dear Lord, is that the piously convicted but marginally informed religiosity of our dear President may see the need to be the third in an unholy trinity of "hell no, I"m not leaving, these people need me," egoes that frankly, we have been rendered weak by. Well not rendered as in ren..., oh never mind. I'll write you later.
Help us Dear Lord, or even Obi Wan Kenobe and yes I mean Old Ben Kenobi, if he is up there with you. We are smitten down. We are weak and much afeared of he who is both Decider and Commander Guy. We grow weary of "it's my job to worry about that and it's your job to just go about your business." God..I mean gosh, if you had that attitude, we'd never hear from you!
So hear now our cry. Pay thou attention unto us, thy humble perplexed servants, and deliver us from evil. For thine, not Hugo's, Pooty Poot's or George's, is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory for ever and ever.... all others have term limits.
Amen, I hope I didn't forget anything......and don't forget the receipt. We HAVE to know you got this!
Warm regards
Most of us on the planet Earth