The Bush-Cheney-Rove assaults upon the Constitution; iron-fist ruling by fiat; and no regard, whatsoever, with opposition toward bi-partisanship.
Bush - a man who went on TV after questionable elections results against the "loyal opposition" by a few votes - had the gumption to use words like "mandate" and "political capital," to silence his critics.
It's been a low moment in American history.
I thought John Kerry was a moderate liberal; a valiant and decorated soldier who owned the moral high ground against the Rove machine. I was wrong. Any ugly ape holding a submachine gun has become the new best person. The GOP needs total, rude and arrogant repudiation and needs it daily. Why? Because Bush has repeatedly defined two new enemies: The Axis of Evil and the Democrats.
In Washington, a group of draft dodgers and never-serves disgraced Kerry and his war record. Kerry must be too self-deluded to even counterpunch. Kerry handled his campaign poorly and the GOP message was right - he wasn't the man to lead our nation. Kerry is NOT a leader.
And, Democrats have to become less partisan and sensitive and more pragmatic. Now, not later.
The Rove machine, with the aid of the "Swift Boats" proved a few percentage points (what 2.5%?) too much for Kerry. After all, Bush and Rove did the same thing to McCain in 2000. Bush and Cheney would do it to anyone except their own homosexual, dope addict and drunk children and pundits, would they not? But, Bush has defined a new enemy: The Democrats.
I've come to admire Rove in a sick way. His way is the future, because our nation is now composed of about 200 million morons and aliens. They have no concept of history, and very little knowledge of right versus wrong. At least that's the official government line, as we have 2.2 million of them in prisons/jails and another 5.4 million on parole or probation. Even Hitler never had those numbers at any one time. Nor has any other society. (Check the numbers: nations like China, Russia, Ethiopia have a pittance of prisoners in comparison.) But, Bush has defined a new enemy: The Democrats.
The Dems - since the electorate is now composed of mental deficient and God's lesser creatures - should spend all their time talking about NOTHING except the GOP desire to bring on the RAPTURE and advance a NUCLEAR WAR in the Middle East. I think it should be the single message and be broadcast daily, ala Rove. It doesn't matter if that's the GOP position; it probably is! What does matter: It is the proven Rove way to victory in the 21st Century and winners steal a winning paradigm.
But, Bush has defined a new enemy: The Democrats. And, Democrats will be best served to do better than to stick their fingers into the wind to see if 2008 is finally the year when a breeze is blowing for a woman to become viable.
If we, the American people, gamble and lose this time, the probability for a NUCLEAR WAR before the 2012 is high (according to your decider-in-chief), as the next GOP president will take eight years of Bush followed by a GOP victory to be an endorsement of the total destruction of all Muslims; all connections with the U.N. and our allies; and, the decimation of our two-party system.
Bush has defined a new enemy: The Democrats. That's their message.
Now, what are you going to do about it?