In a recent conversation with a contactee friend of mine, the subject was brought up that the military should not be trusted and that all they were interested in was ET technology. My friend was upset and vocal, saying that the contactees were being used as bait by the military. I had to remind my friend that just because some people in a crowd throw stones does not mean one should hold the whole crowd responsible for the attack.
Clearly the shadow government fascists at the top of the military and civilian chain of command responsible for extraterrestrial policy are only interested in technology because ET technology is their bread and butter along with finance, oil, drugs and arms. Global entrenched special interests have been covertly building a huge, powerful shadow government the past 60 years, based in large part upon the exploitation of extraterrestrial technology. (See: The Day After Roswell by Col. Philip Corso)
This shadow government has its own financing, its own private corporate armies like Wackenhut and Blackwater, CIA and other service commando death squads, propaganda operations in the media to mold public perceptions, and corrupt government and military officials that are interchangeable between government and industry.
This secret covert society has a global reach and is a developing cancer upon democratic society not only in America, but around the world as well. Of course these covert forces can be very effective in the short term, but are the long term consequences of shadow government acceptable? Without extensive public and legitimate government oversight, shadow government can, and is becoming a huge national security threat to national and global society in its own right.
I believe we have a global holocaust in the making that is in large part based in extraterrestrial reality but instead of destroying millions of unsuspecting people could potentially destroy billions once it becomes strong enough to become overt. Just as in prior holocausts, a combination of excessive secrecy and deception combined with the unbelievability factor creates an environment favorable to the creation of shadow government. Over time, this shadow government infiltrates and gains control over legitimate constitutional open government until finally it is strong enough to gain overt status. Then all hell literally breaks loose.
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