Just four headlines from articles in the news in just one day, 27 February, make you want to say, "Hey, wait a minute, you've got this thing backwards and up-side-down."
From the Associated Press:
"Gates to Turks: End Iraq Incursion Soon"
Shouldn't it read, "Turks to Gates: End Iraq Incursion Soon?" As I remember, it was George Bush's incursion into Iraq that was illegal in U.S. Constitutional law, the UN Charter, the Geneva Convention, The Nuremberg Conventions, international law, and world opinion. How can Gates keep a straight face while scolding the Turks for doing the exact same thing his army has done?
From the Washington Post:
"Clemens Probe Requested"
The House Oversight Committee requests that the Justice Department investigate Clemens for perjury. If Congress is interested in justice and looking into lying, why aren't they looking into the lies of George Bush and his cohorts, lies that have cost this country dearly? Who cares if some guy shoots himself up with steroids, or baking soda, or brake fluid, and then lies about it? It does no harm to you or me, doesn't cost us anything like what George Bush's lies have cost us. The guy only harms himself.
From TomDispatch by Noam Chomsky:
"The Most Wanted List: International Terrorism"
If Chomsky wanted to put at the top of the most wanted list the one man who has contributed the most to stimulate international terrorism, it would be George Bush. Bush's attack on Iraq has stirred up more terrorism than Osama bin Laden could have ever hoped for. They've come running to Iraq from all directions, creating terrorists in a country that had none. Until George Bush, anyway.
From the Independent/UK, by Patrick Cockburn:
"The Turkish Invasion Could Destroy A Unified Iraq"
It's been in the papers and on TV that Iraq has been invaded and is being occupied. Iraq is the last thing from being unified and the Turks had nothing to do with its disunification. Iraq was a unified country, albeit with problems, but unified nontheless, prior to George Bush's invasion in March, 2003.
So I ask you, Patrick, what unified Iraq are you talking about? And why not recognize that it was George Bush's invasion that caused Iraq's disunification and quit trying to blame it on the Turks?
These are just a few of the headlines that make me want to scream and holler at the monumental obtuseness of people who should know better.