In an interview with Martha Raddatz for ABC News, Dick Cheney asked her for advice on how to handle the loss of US troops in Iraq due to multiple deployments. When asked about the toll the deployments are taking on the US military, Cheney avoided answering the question by saying, "Of course it is, Martha," then asked, "So what would be the solution to that? I mean how would you deal with that?" Cheney asking advice? Well, not really.
Cheney is covering the fact that he doesn't know the answer by faking that he knows the answer but is showing his superior knowledge by asking a question that Raddatz is in no position to answer. This is just another way of saying, "So?" Which is another way of saying f**k you and your question and the horse you rode in on.
When asked what effect the milestone of 4000 dead troops in Iraq has on the country, Cheney said that it places a special burden "obviously" on the families, then denigrates that burden as insignificant to that of the tragic figure who has suffered such great loss, George Bush, by saying, "The President carries the biggest burden, obviously," placing the joyous George Bush's burden of having lost no one above the burden of those who's lives have been changed forever by the loss of their loved ones. This, and everything else that Cheney sees as obvious, is invisible, unknow, never heard of, to the rest of us.
Bush says that he has visions and hears voices from a supernatural being, and Cheney sees what to him are obvious things that no one else can see. Put them together and look at what we got. A mutually reinforced delusion about a world that doesn't exist.
Cheney also said, "9/11 stimulated a lot of folks to volunteer for the military because they wanted to be involved in defending the country." Cheney, obviously, is not aware that the US military is not engaged in defending the country, and even though he has been to Iraq and has actually seen that the US military is in fact in Iraq and not here defending the US, he is still not aware that the military is engaged in an on-going attack and occupation there that does nothing to defend the US. To defend the US requires that the military be present here to do that.
To be so completely unaware about the actual location of the US military and what it is doing is just another instance of Cheney's delusional confusion. To a rational person, it makes you wonder how the United States, until George Bush and Dick Cheney the greatest country on earth, could have produce some of the worst, most despicable people on earth.
The hard-right, conservative Republicans have had a hard time coming up with anything remotely human to represent their regressive, suppressive, authoritarian agenda, but they had to scrape through the bottom of the barrel into the cesspool below to come up with a thing, snarling and dripping venom, like Dick Cheney.