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Hanging by a thread and why it’s probably too late

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Message Jay Esbe
Hanging by a thread and why it's probably too late

I think it's too late to save the Republic. I know this isn't going to be a popular message, and I know it's not very motivating, but we got into this situation by repeated failures to comprehend the gravity of each act which lead us to this point.

Ross Perot once used the phrase "Giant sucking sound" to describe the effect NAFTA would have on American job losses to Mexico. It is as good a term as any for the sound of the Democrat's in Congress collective enabling this national nightmare.

All the usurpations and crimes, from the first stolen election, through 9-11, and every miserably failed policy enacted through lies too numerous to recount, may have been survivable -with great effort and much pain-, but one set of acts have certainly sealed the fate of the United States; Bush' appointment of two Supreme Court Justices from the Federal Society who advocated a "Unitary Executive Theory".

With those unopposed appointments, I believe the fate of this nation has been sealed into a final descent into a dictatorship from which there will be no hope of escape. The ABA (American Bar Association) is attempting to investigate Bush' so-called "signing statements" where Bush usurps the authority of Congress and takes the power of a Dictator, (750 of them to date) and hopes to challenge them. Where exactly do they believe they're going to challenge the concept? In a Supreme Court who's judges were hand picked specifically to place the Executive branch above the law?

There was a moment when our country still had a chance; If Democrats had united for once, and filibustered damn the consequences, if they had walked out, shut down the government, held press conferences at every opportunity to educate the American people, and screamed bloody murder, maybe, just maybe, this could have been stopped. But they didn't. With the exception of Russ Fiengold and Ted Kennedy, nary a peep was heard.

We got to this point because the people who were supposed to defend the Constitution, failed again and again to uphold that oath of office. Bush' SCOTUS appointments had their parallel in the Third Reich when Hitler's dictatorship was attained through the courts. A combination of innately corrupt short-term political self-interest, and total lack of objective perspective maintained through "The Belt Way Bubble", lead to this final act of complicity to treason against the Constitution and it's now spilled milk.

Today, we write of our condition outside of the highly controlled corporate media to a world wide audience via the internet. It ought to be realized that our truth telling is now hanging by a thread, and the final shoe to drop is going to be when the man who said "this would be a heck of a lot easier if it were a dictatorship", decides it's his pleasure to turn out the lights. If we're the equivalent of canaries in the coal mine, we ought to remember exactly what the canary's fate was.

This moment in history does still hold a faint hope however; Nazi Germany managed to arise amid far fewer enlightened citizens. Although those of us who understand what's happened, what's been done, and why are still a minority, we are a sizable population more than large enough to make overt impositions a serious problem should we collectively decide to act. But we haven't, and the time to act has already come.
We also hold another key advantage which has been unrealized; the criminality of George W. Bush and his neo-con brown shirts, is recognized all over the world. Our walk down the cattle ramp is being witnessed by the world. Any act or action which we would under take to save ourselves from this brutal police state, would be collectively cheered by most of the world, and any subsequent crack down on dissent would be that much more isolating for our vile new King.

Ladies and Gentleman, you have no representation in government, and a dictatorship has arisen and declared itself not only above the law, but to be the law. What will you do about it? Vote for the people who went along with it? There has to be a better way. There is, but it doesn't serve your personal comfort and involves the risk of arrest and imprisonment. But if you can get your act together, and all take the step together, it can end this very quickly: STOP PAYING FOR IT.
I'm talking about a national tax protest. Burned draft cards helped end the war in Vietnam, how much more can a fifty percent reduction of funding of the phony so-called "war on terror" accomplish when the nation is already basically bankrupt?

This act of civil disobedience is all the American people have left to resist their own continued subjugation to mass murder in their name and an administration with no popular support who simply refuses to be removed and which has seized the only remaining mechanism to restore the Republic to it's own constitution.

"Let them march all they want, as long as they continue to pay their taxes."
-Alexander Haig, U.S. Sec. of State, June 12, 1982

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Jay Esbe is a writer with a background in cultural anthropology and comparative religion and lives in Seattle Washington.
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