Crossposted from Dailkykos
So sayeth Mahatma Gandhi, in describing the various stages of effective non-violent resistance to oppression. Using the strategy of moral persuasian Ghandi, like the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. who followed him, successfully freed India from the yoke of British rule. Similarly we hear on dailykos and other various sites have taken up the no less difficult task of redirecting our ship of state away from war-mongering, rampant corporatism and full-on totalitarianism.
Ladies and gentlemen of the Netroots as of this week we have just entered Stage 3 and so far our prospects of entering Stage 4 have all lights showing green.
It's not as if last November's elections weren't a serious hint that the way of things may just be shifting, today we will see a Congressmen openly call for the Impeachment of Alberto Gonzales following his horrific performance before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
This didn't happen because of the work of intrepid reporters of the major papers who continued to dig and dig until they finally reached down and pulled out the hidden nuggets of truth, it's happened largely in spite of the lapdog media.
It's happened because of the blogs.
And now the cultural overlords and power whores of the right-wing have finally realized and admitted just who and what the genuine threat to their continued regime is -- it's the people.
The first real hints that the Netroots had become a major target of the rightwing began not long ago when Bill Kristol claimed that Markos was "not respectable" just three years ago. (Which in turn conceeds that he is respectible and respected now - which ultimately is the point and exactly why they have attacked him and us.)
The Daily Kos, Think Progress, and a host of other lefty blogs seem to be shocked that someone might question the respectability of Markos Moulitsas... Is {this} the kind of thing respectable people say?
We can see it as several republicans blow-off their CNN Youtube debate. Y'see, these guys are just like President G.H.W. Bush 15 years ago who thought talking to MTV News was "beneath the status of his office" until he was finally and very grudgingly forced have a brief and terse interview with Tabitha Soren.
Novakula does a good job of summing it up.
Appearing on Bloomberg Television this weekend, Novak said of the YouTube debate, "I thought it was really disgusting. ... The reporters were terrible but this was ludicrous." Novak argued, "You know when we did away with the monarchy and went through democracy, there was a lot of fear that this sort of thing would happen. It took 200 years but we got there."
That's right, what they truly crave is a return to a Monarchy where our leaders are chosen, ordained and guided solely by GOD, unconcerned with justifying or even explaining their actions to the lowly serfs and commoners (or Congress), those who should feel proud and honored to serve the needs of the new corporate aristocracy, to implement the bidding of their masters and betters no matter how costly or deadly it might be to them personally. Authoritians such as these have little patience or faith in the ability of the unwashed masses to govern themselves via "democracy", hence they have invented the "Unitary Executive" theory to bring back the theocracy of their wet-dreams.
It doesn't matter if the Reich-wing likes or agree with us, right now the most important thing is that they have noticed us and have been forced to respond. They can't afford to ignore us anymore and they know it.
But now they've moved from snubs, this type of ridicule - to out and out attacks.
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