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Frosty Wooldridge
Message Frosty Wooldridge
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While we kids grew up, my father often said,

"Use your common sense before you make decisions."

At other times, when he saw someone reaching under a running power-mower to clear the grass, or pitching a baseball with a kid standing in front of a plate glass window, he lamented,

"Those guys don't have the common sense

God gave a goose!"

Today, my late father, a 27-year master sergeant in the United States Marine Corps, would certainly shake his head in disbelief after hearing the latest speech from President George W. Bush, by saying,

"That guy doesn't have an ounce of common sense."

He would say the same about the Pelosi-Reid-Kennedy troika, and the equally foolish Flake-Gutierrez duo.  We have captive idiots at the helm today.

What is common sense?

According to the dictionary, "Sound and prudent judgment."

After terrorists bombed America out of its perceived safety on 9/11, common sense dictated that we take energetic steps to totally control our borders and STOP immigrating into our country people from terrorist regions around the world.  

Additionally, common sense mandated that we FIRST secure our leakiest southern borders from terrorist incursions.

Instead, Bush led attacks on Iraq— 10,000 miles away— while leaving our continental U.S. borders wide open.  In his open-borders mania, he continues immigrating millions of people from the land of Islam— as if none of them might become terrorists on our own soil.

Please, help me here; Can anyone figure out what Bush uses for common sense ?

Iraq-Afghanistan Study Group; Hon. James Baker

After the James Baker's Iraq Study Group showed the United States couldn't win Iraq's civil war, common sense dictated that Bush best begin logical, prudent and rational withdrawal from an un-winnable and deadly conflict.

Even if we won that war, what would we win?  

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Frosty Wooldridge Bio: Frosty Wooldridge possesses a unique view of the world, cultures and families in that he has bicycled around the globe 100,000 miles, on six continents and six times across the United States in the past 30 years. His books (more...)
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