Just about as evil as The United States of America. While Bush leads us up top what he must believe will be his saving grace, a war with Iran that will make the war in Iraq a simple footnote in the annuls of world history, some of Bush's claims should be looked at with an impartial eye. First of all, I'll bet dollars to doughnuts that there are agents representing almost every country on the globe in Iraq. What do a few Iranian agents thrown into the mix matter? They probably have more reason to have agents in that war torn land than most nations that have agents there. Iran shares a very long border with Iraq and if I were the Iranian Intelligence director I sure would want to know what is happening there. I would also like to know what the Americans are up to. They certainly don't play well with others. If they didn't have agents it would be unnerving.
As far as Iranian serial numbers on weapons, I wonder how many US serial numbers are on weapons throughout the planet? It is well known that The United States is the largest arms dealer in the entire world. From spy satellites to claymore mines, you can purchase it from Uncle Sam, where you get more "bang" for your buck. I'll bet you will find Chinese, Russian, Italian and French weapons as well as weapons from other countries not mentioned. That brings us to the messages. I made that one up. Why? I don't know. I just wanted to see if everyone was paying attention. I won't be surprised though that in the future we will hear of "chatter" between the Shiite militia's and Iran. It just fits the scenario.
The basis of these allegations that will eventually lead us to war with Iran are almost like laying down a plot to a novel. They throw so many things into the mix so that later on people can't figure out what the main reason for going to war was. The more reasons, the less scrutiny. The old saying in the Army was; "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance; baffle them with bullshit". It's a principle that has worked well for the Bush Administration. We can claim the title of being the most baffled nation on the planet. This presents a great lead in to the next paragraph.
Why is it so important for Bush to bring us to war with Iraq? I usually have a million reasons for anything political that look great on paper. This is one of those rare times when I can't think of anything that "hits the nail on the head" so to speak. I have some ideas so I'll throw them out and hope that the feedback I get will enlighten me.
1. It will transform this war into something bigger that will require a national effort to succeed, and Bush will have the support he so desperately needs.
2. A war with Iran will make money for the Military Industrial Complex.
3. A war that threatens top become WWIII will make it easier for Bush to declare martial law and delay elections until we have won in Iran and therefore he will be come George I, de-facto Dictator of The United States of America.
4. All of the above.
You can take a shot at figuring what he's up to, you're guess is as good as mine is. All I know is that Herr Bush has been lying to the American people since he took office, and I believe that after six years we can just about tell when he's "spinning" the truth. He's doing that now with Iran. If anyone has doubts about it, all you have to do is look at the build-up before Iraq. This administration doesn't do or say anything unless there is a purpose behind it. The new "evidence" we see in Iran almost daily now is leading us down a path to war. Iran hasn't done anything that warrants being attacked by the United States. North Korea built a bomb; other countries have built them. Many scientists' say that Iran is not so technologically advanced that it can build a bomb in less that five years.
I guess what I'm saying is that Iran does not pose a "Clear and Present Danger" to the United States of America. That doesn't stop Bush though. Iraq didn't present one either. It's threat was fabricated and set up for public consumption, just as Iran's many acts of "evilness" will be. What really astounds me is that intelligent people will start talking as if Iran is really a problem. They will tell us in learned tones that Iran has precipitated these events and look at why they would want to do so. These "talking head ruminations" along with government propaganda will lead the masses of Americans to believe we have a genuine problem in Iran. Off to war we will march, while people that disputed the whole thing like I am at this very moment, will be scratching their heads and muttering what the F*&k! I don't make this stuff up.