With the right hand shake, between the right two people, you could have your country back.
Today –as of this writing- Congressman Ron Paul, (R Texas) threw his hat into the insanely large GOP Presidential pool. Although I’d probably disagree with Paul on certain issues of taxation and social issues, I’ve been a big fan since this wretched war was fabricated and I’ve watched him repeatedly make some of the most principled stands against this administration, damn the consequences, of anyone in Congress. He voted against the Iraq war. I like Ron Paul, and more importantly, I respect him as one of a veritable handful of people in Congress with political courage, good judgement, and an understanding and respect for the Constitution; He’s “old school” in all the best ways. But you and I know, he’s never going to be elected President. At least not a Republican President. And as a lone maverick Republican, by himself, I doubt he could make much of an impact as a third party candidate.
There is another Congressman, who’s a Democrat, and more importantly, one of the most principled Progressives in Congress; Dennis Kucinich. Although portrayed as the epitome of “the left”, Kucinich embraces virtually the same “America first” old-school nationalism and populist bent that Ron Paul embraces in terms of major issues (like war and unfair trade). Kucinich is obviously more of an internationalist in terms of his view of the U.N., but the core values of both men are remarkably similar in their recognition of the fundamental nature of America as the Founders envisioned.
More than half of this country doesn’t vote, and given the reality of the two-party system, I for one can hardly blame them. Although I vote, I don’t expect anything to change and so far I’ve not been surprised by much of anything, lest of all the Democratic party’s cowardice on the most pressing issue of our time.
I would like to see Ron Paul, and Dennis Kucinich together on a unity ticket. In addition to millions of former non-voters such a ticket would bring back, there are millions of Republicans and Democrats absolutely appalled and disgusted by their own parties, who have nowhere to turn. I believe the central ideals held by both of these men, are actually held by the vast majority of American people, who want the following changes implemented:
1. A level playing field in trade, IE not “free trade”, but FAIR trade.
2. An end to the imperialistic interventionism which has made the United States the mosted hated nation on earth. A series of policies ended that do NOT make us more secure.
3. A national defense based on actually defending the homeland, beginning with the borders.
4. A commitment to the right of personal privacy for Americans.
5. An end to corporate welfare.
6. An end to the unqualified support of Israel’s every action, and using the power of the United States to effect a just enforcement and a permanent settlement of the Israeli Palestinian dispute.
7. A restoration of the public airwaves in the public interest, and new laws including digital transmittals as “public domain”.
8. A commitment to 100 percent renewable energy and energy independence by 2020, a commitment which equals the commitment to put a man on the moon made by JFK.
9. Get us out of Iraq immediately and let the Iraqi's settle their own differences. Both of these men would do this, and end the politics which are keeping us there.
This is only a partial list, but these are what I believe to be key elements that must be addressed to save the Republic. A third party unity ticket between the old-school Republican Ron Paul, and the old-school Progressive/populist Dennis Kucinich, would have the potential to draw tens of millions of voters from both parties: Democrats who’re onto the DLC’s corporate globalist game, and Republicans who’re onto the same thing. I believe that a majority of Americans, either actually know what’s wrong with the country as it exists today, or would recognize the problem through the solutions, that a third party candidacy which committed itself to solving the big problems, and not campaigning on the minor ones, could topple the established order, and actually make this country resemble it’s stated ideals.
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