Following the current endless news coverage of this presidential primary season makes me sick. I have never seen and heard so much empty-minded hype and over-exaggeration of so much unimportant political crap. I have wanted to puke when I:
Hear Hillary Clinton define and trivialize “change” that so many Americans sincerely want in our government and political system as simply replacing George W. Bush with her!
Keep reading the never-ending nasty, childish and cult-like comments by Ron Paul supporters that probably have done considerable harm to his campaign, especially in turning off millions of Americans that are as fed up with our corrupt two-party system as they are.
Heard that Dennis Kucinich who I thought so many people admired because of his anti-establishment views tell his Iowa supporters to switch their votes, after he fails to get 15 percent in the caucuses, to Obama when, as any sane person can see, it is Edwards that is infinitely more anti-establishment than Obama.
See the absolute ignorance and cancerous religiosity of Huckabee.
Keep seeing the utter dishonest demeanor of Hillary as she obviously follows the advice of all kinds of consultants telling her how to speak and act in an attempt to sell herself as something she is not: likable, honest and trustworthy.
Continue to listen to the insincere assertions of Biden, Dodd and all the other minor candidates that they really have a chance of winning anything, as if people should respect such obvious lies or, worse, delusions.
Do not hear ANY of the Republican and Democratic candidates clearly say what I hear Lou Dobbs saying all the time: namely that most Americans see a corrupt and dysfunctional two-party stranglehold over our political system that must end.
See Mitt Romney keep smiling and lying as if he is oblivious that intelligent people see him as a complete and total phony that is nothing more than an apologist for the status quo plutocracy.
I know that I am not alone in being so turned off by the current primary season that places so much importance on what a miniscule number of Americans do in two states that in no way fairly represent the diversity of our population. The sole function of the mainstream media seems to be to convince us that we actually have a competitive political system, when nothing could be further from the truth. Welcome to vomit politics in the world’s greatest delusional democracy.