George W. Bush says the proposed law, which would have increased federal funding for stem cell research, was wrong because it "crosses a moral boundary".
"This bill would support the taking of innocent human life in the hope of finding medical benefits for others," says Mr. Bush.
The bill would have allowed stem cell researchers to greatly expand the life-saving potential of their work, by using extra frozen embryos from fertility clinics that are otherwise thrown away.
Because it has nothing to do with the very profitable business of making war, his imperial Middle East land grab, the sadistic Bush administration practice of encouraging the torture of detainees, or the systematic destruction of our constitutional rights.
And for Bush, it has nothing to do with protecting innocent human life either. Nope, this one's all about blatant pandering to the political base, folks, and trying to maintain the corrupt Republican majority on Capitol Hill that will keep Bush in office through the end of his second term.
As part of his political show today, Mr. Bush surrounded himself in the East Room with children born through embryo donation, and said:
"They remind us of what is lost when embryos are destroyed in the name of research. They remind us that we all begin our lives as a small collection of cells. And they remind us that in our zeal for new treatments and cures, America must never abandon our fundamental morals."
Apparently, however, it's okay for the man pretending to be president to abandon our fundamental morals in his zeal for world domination, a fat bank account and the approval of his corporate paymasters.
There is no possible way for George W. Bush to reconcile his stated concern for "the taking of innocent human life" with the fact that he willfully and maliciously lied us into an illegal war of aggression that has taken tens of thousands of innocent human lives.
Nor can he claim any legitimate ground when he talks about the proposed stem cell law crossing moral boundaries.
This man knows no moral boundary.
He has twice put one hand on the Bible, held the other up to God and sworn to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, only to relegate it to toilet paper status with the Patriot Act, his worthless signing statements, and the belief and practice that he is above the law.
He has committed multiple crimes against humanity by launching and continuing an illegal invasion and occupation of Iraq.
He told us all of a non-existent deal between Iraq and Niger (in his 2003 State of the Union speech) for the sale of uranium, even though the documents it was based on had been proven to be forgeries many months before, and his own intelligence community had repeatedly told him the claim was baseless.
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